Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Little Orphan Annie Surprise

So, the “Little Dick” continues to beg a stand-off with the “Limp Dick”. Who, What, When, Where and Why? First is easy on WHOsey: Kim Jong Hung-lo verses Viagra Donald and 2nd verse same as the…forget the rest, but like peas in a pod, MORONS in Masquerade. It is just a matter of time before the bough breaks and 1st Blood is launched. Now our arsenal of nuclear meltdown weapons is far superior then the “Little Dick’s” replica of a “Little Boy or Fat Man” infatuation. But what scares me most, is the “Poor Man” weapons that may have been already strategically deployed in America, sea to shining sea. Also known as a “Suitcase” weapon designed during the “Cold War” by the Nikita Khrushchev regime, small devices that could be easily smuggled across the border and armed to “blow” when a secret code is sent – like from a satellite or cell phone tower. According to reliable sources, the most sophisticated late-inning weapon following this “Suitcase” design was called the Маленькая сирота Энни, “Little Orphan Annie” in English. It was indeed a Daddy Warbuck’s experiment that was remodeled as an innocent looking “backpack” and were sold on the “Black Sea Market” when the Communist Party fell apart. These devices utilized a nuclear source that would metabolize over time, basically getting more and more powerful with respect to spewing out lethal doses of radiation, as a means to go undetected when for-hire “Terrorists” accompanied this distractionism entering this nation. These devices were undetectable by Geiger counter-encounters used by border, Port Authority and airport security personnel. Then when resting so innocently somewhere unknown for the past 40-years, radiation levels that are today somewhat alarming - if these devices performed according to design and schedule. But if placed in concrete columns of major city infrastructure during construction, or underwater on major artery bridge abutments, most likely well protected and “ready & willing” to cause havoc when so desired. It is estimated that 70 of these “Metabolism Bombs” were sold to “secret” buyers at the highest bids! And North Korea had the loot back then to confiscate these weapons of mass hysteria destruction. Look, When Kim Jong went ill and realized his son would take over as leader of North Korea, sure as shit there would come a confrontation if ever a bastard found his way into the White House, well maybe not a bonafide bastard but what’s worse is a MORON with his finger on the “Meltdown” trigger. There is a reason whereas in the past logically thinking U.S. Presidents held caution this “bough breaking”, basically leaving the “Little Dick” alone. No matter how stupid Dennis Rodman’s protégé, Hung-lo knows that when incoming missiles are heard on approach on the horizon, it is “kiss his lunatic ass goodbye”! It will mean “total destruction is the only solution” heard around the globe. So, if Donald Trump is Viagra aroused and deploys a “Conventional” 1st strike against the “Little Dick”, retaliation means the beginning of the end as a limited engagement with the “Orphans” never fit this nation’s military Generals strategy, the so-called “Reduction Model”, and that is wherein the “Poor Man” weapon could find major destruction here in the “Homeland”. Such an escalation and deployment of these devices doesn’t make much infrastructure destructive power, just a weapon that expels radiation and if used in and around our major metropolises, could be devastating as these limited engagement “dirty bombs” can cause havoc for years. Take 50-years at the lessor upon predictive side effects that makes for uninhabitable city life – this nation’s heartbeat. So, imagine an “Orphan” in NYC, then another in LA and yet another in…you get the point on who wins this WAR! Now surely in response we melt away North Korea into the likes of a glass pimple, but what if the Russians come to Hung-Lo’s aid? Look, Russia has but a single reason for being behind this “dirt”, to destroy our Democracy so it can bring Communism back to life, Soviet style “ism” - wherein women are abused…and an “Access Hollywood” attitude is the normalcy fact of life. Is it really 2018 at our doorstep? And like the “Little Orphan Annie” plans made long ago and so designed to attack a single entity, to wreck-havoc upon our “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness”, so is the “Putin Involvement” in our 2016 erection-election wherein we see the results of that interference. Only a “STOOL” could help Russia become once again the “Soviet Union” and we may soon see that “Putin Influence” as we live with the aftermath disgust of WAR, that which was avoidable. Yes, a sight of fright and right before our very own eyes and ears, as the leaking radiation from those imbedded weapons will make our cities appear as a “Leper Colony Gulag” with our neighbors, our children, our pets blistering from radiation abuse as we bury our dead in droves - those that didn’t make it. Said again, is it really 2018 at our doorstep? Take that back, will we see the New Year?

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