Thursday, February 2, 2017


EXXON stock, the bellwether, hit a 3-month low at the "Closing Bell" yesterday and the DOW has stalled, below that 20000 benchmark that ZDonald's Kellyanne Conway went hog wild over. The last 3-days limping along, 200 points down and going nowhere. Draining the "swamp"? No something has gone terribly wrong in the ZDonald Tyrump Presidency - due chaos, as the unknowns of chaos are starting to backfire on his pace to - well disrupt! But it could be a ways and means to cause more chaos - a manipulated market causing a "sell low run" so the on-a-need-to-know Mnuchin bastards can pick up the damaged pieces and then the "Oval Office" magic wand can bless the bastards with rewards. My take - ZDonald Tyrump is facing the music of a failed life and a presidency already in abort status. Can he recover? He keeps throwing around the "Nuclear Option", and does he really know what he is actually talking about. Hell NO. Scumbag...

Note: ZDonald's blowing a fuse picture above not a touch-up, what he looked like after returning home from Dover AFB to welcome home the kid soldier he killed through reckless endangerment behavior unbecoming a United States President.

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