Thursday, February 2, 2017

Breitbarf News Update 2/2/2017

For clarification, Kellyanne Conway has provided Breitbarf the following 3am update:  "ZDonald Tyrump - as the acting U.S. President in good standing with the Russian Federation and consistent with the Constitution which administers the "Powers of the President" - he finds unabated immunity against malfeasance and negligence. And even though it was unfortunate that the first two people he ordered "KILLED" were Americans, that's the way it goes. Sometimes that "You're Fired" is supplemented with "You're Fired On"! Just trying to be a little humorous. And on another note, Barack Obama went chicken shit to command this long overdue raid in Yemen. ZDonald has balls - they probably need a good rub by now but Melanomia is a NO Show and there is the odor of "fromunder" in his office - yuk men! And yes and not a surprise, we realize that in a short 12-days that ZDonald has beat out Dick Cheney as the world's "MOST WANTED WAR CRIMINAL". Wow, life in the hot seat. And it is great to see American's across the country exercising their rights, like with the protests at Beserkeley - those science students had some good Molotov Cocktails, like the 4th of July already. Now we have established a "sanctuary city" for Milo here at the White Horse and trying to get Secret Service protection - just like me! It is so nice having a servant with a badge and gun wipe my ass clean. And that prison riot - what is that stuff called meatloaf as nobody ever heard of it here in the White House? Do people eat it? But ZDonald is concerned about the safety of Americans, so we plan on invoking a "curfew". There will be NO "Peaceful Assembly" between the hours of 6pm and 3am, his sleeping time and he wants to be awake during any protests so he can send in the National Guard if things get out of control - what I mean by that is his approval rating, it's sinking bad! In fact, he may sign a EO that makes it a crime to be included in a survey if you didn't vote for him. And he was so honored when the Canadian Parliament called him a "Fascist". Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify the record. Oh, one last thing. All those "Tweet Leaks" that have confidential information about ZDonald's phone calls, we think it's the CIA so we have asked the KGB to help us out. I could go on, but time to scat."

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