Sunday, January 29, 2017

John Lennon on ZDonald Tyrump

Scumbag, scumbag
Scumbag, scumbag
Scumbag, scumbag
Scumbag, scumbag

"Hey, listen! I don't know whether you can tell what the words are to this song but there's only two of them. And I'd like to have you sing along cause it's real easy. Anybody who comes to the fillmore east can sing this song. The name of the song is 'scumbag' Ok? And all you gotta do is sing 'scumbag'. Right on, brothers and sister let's hear it for the 'scumbag'!"

Today, I speak for John Lennon - somebody must speak up for the "Hoodwanked Majority"! The fucking world is no longer laughing "With US". One week in office, and ZDonald Tyrump's insane reality is already having a toll on our kids in uniform. Yes, this psycho must go and we will drive it hard and forward ho, he will be run out of town along with Pence, Bannon, Conway, Flynn, Tillerson, Giuliani as the list of "Turncoats" is extensive. When they retreat, it will give "busing" a new meaning. The "Scumbags" can find asylum in the Russian Federation - wherein today the Kremlinites give a higher approval rating the 45th then here in the states, from sea to shining sea. His "HATRED" is not our Democracy! See, his insane mentality focuses on derailing everything Obama - especially in the frontiers of "Peace". The 44th Commander-in-Chief was exactly that, NOT like we have today the Abandoner-in-Thief, and Obama valued "kids-in-boots", unlike ZDonald Tyrump and his 5-year draft dodging extravaganza due to "heel spurs" - yet he was on that tennis court every bright and sunny day? Obama knew that we had to maintain our vigilance in rogue nations and only place our kids in harm's way when no other option was available to seek a "mission accomplished" and this nation became above all with the use of "Drone Strikes". Yes from afar, we could command the same kind of demands, with more precision which means less collateral damage. And it goes undetected, we hear very little about such invasions. But like clockwork, Tyrump had his "enlarged prostate" fit at 3am and without his "Twitter", he told the brass to call-back the drones and use disposable humans - as it costs less then mobilizing drones and this early morning raid was needed as a "Trump" for the night before protests - to "Reality Show" his fans that he is going after the bastards. It was a flop, and now we have a dead kid that will come home in a box. Last week ZDonald and Mike Pence laid that "Wreath of Honor" at the "Tomb", it was but for a "Wreath of Horror". Using kids to boast and boost his ratings? Fodder, is what we are to the Tower Maggot and his cast of degenerative pieces of human feces, just like minimum wage bell hops that are desperate so find work at the "Tower". See, with this Tyrump & Pence & Bannon "Order of Friendship", we must REVOLT. And our weapon of choice to arrest this "Mutiny" to arrest this "Tyranny" is that inalienable right to "Free Speech". No matter how depressing, "We the People Denied" are winning! The "Second Coming"? Yes, a "Civil War" and this time around as history will repeat itself and the "Majority" will rule, we will not let the Mitch McConnell "Confederates" that are today kissing the "Tower Maggot's" ass get away with it - as we will be hiring executioners to man the gallows. Can't stand the Truth Mr. Maggot? Swallow this for "Gimme Some Truth":

~I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
Ive had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
~No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
~No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of soap
Money for dope
Money for rope
~I'm sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mamas little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth now
~I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth
~No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of soap
Its money for dope
Money for rope
~Ah, I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
~Ive had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
~All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

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