Monday, January 30, 2017


He's at it again, this FYSAD at 416am. FYSAD? "FUCK YOU SUCK A DICK". See, an "enlarged prostate" makes you want to piss! So, ZDonald Tyrump starts his 2nd week off very early and very weak - as it appears "We the People Denied" can assemble peacefully in a moment's notice - from sea to shining sea. The 1st Amendment "Militia" is strong and our voice will be heard as it resonates the will of the "MAJORITY". So I am sure that the "Tower Maggot" will soon be using his option. Article II Section 2: The President shall be commander in chief of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States. Which means he can call up the National Guard at a moment's notice and command the "Well Regulated Militia" to quiet the protests, drafting those that own or in possession a fire-arm to serve his demands, from law abiding to criminals or else face the firing squad. He has that power! But when he had to pee, with pecker in one hand and "Twitter" in the other, low and behold does he really harbor the insane like capability to blame Delta Airlines for his incompetence? Seems that way, OK, the protests started at 630pm on Saturday. The Delta glitch wasn't until 630pm on Sunday? And the "grounding" didn't delay or affect flights already in the air NOR did it delay any "International Flights". And it only lasted a few hours. So he wants to blame a "glitch" on his "Muslim Ban" backfire? See. he spent all day Sunday barricaded in the "White House" theater so he couldn't hear or see the protests outside his living room window, yes protests on a Sunday at his front door! This week and last week, same disruption the "Tranquility of the Commonwealth"! He brings it on himself. And that "Theater" doubles as a secure escape hatch, to tunnels built by El Chapo. Really, there is a quick exit to somewhere - hopefully a detour to hell for this jerk. Is he really this nation's "President"? In the Constitution, there is a clause about "inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of said Office" which allows for removal "until such disability be removed". This is NOT an impeachment action, but "Removal". So the CIA needs to act, take action to arrest his pathetic insane imbecile crippling leadership - as our Founding Fathers didn't think this would ever happen, but just incase? Yes, the CIA should act, as we don't have a Congress that gives a damn. The protests speak for the truth of this matter. The fact that the "Majority" is NOT with him, speaks for itself. The fact that we are...we are NOT showing American Democracy as we have spirited for the last 270-years. It is being destroyed. The fact that the 1st Amendment Rights of the media are under attack, by ZDonald Tyrump's right hand jerk-off man Bannon hypocrite, there is more than enough evidence without a trial wherein the CIA should see the harm that this insane maniac has caused. And he will continue to wreak havoc and harming this nation's sovereignty. And here is what the Founding Fathers said about using that office for personal gains: "....and he shall not receive and other EMOLUMENT". That means a single "cent" and when he does enrich himself, he has violated that oath and shall be removed! "SHALL" finds no maybe in-betweens - that do or die thing. That is wherein the CIA finds a duty to perform, when we fail to perform to arrest this "Mutiny", to arrest this "Tyranny". I have faith that the Founding Father's prepared for a mess like this - that somewhere in the wording of the U.S. Constitution...let's hope I am right.

His INSANE FYSAD "Enlarged Prostate" Rant-on Rage

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