Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Wow, ZDonald Tyrump has a "Jobs Act" plan that will attract thousands of new jobs and be used as part of this nation's "National Defense". Amazing, create jobs and cut back on defense spending - way to go Pres. I guess it is a new weapon that ZDonald has perfected over the years, through his affiliation with groping, pageantry and wrestle-mania. It is called the "DEFILE" and was supposedly tested on Barack & Michelle Obama in Moscow. Still waiting on the Tyrump administration to disclose how it works, but that will have to wait until after the Inauguration - just a few days out. And ZDonald has "Scatted" about this weapon, trying to hide the fact that it exists. Hey, don't want to let the cat out of the bag! And what's with this paranoia that Madonna is yelling out about, that we are living in a "Nightmare" with a ZDonald Tyrump presidency? Maybe send some of that "Defile" her way...
ZDonald's response about the existence of the secret "Defile" weapon.

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