Saturday, December 31, 2016


Petition entered by S. Pam McGee;

Donald Trump House Arrest

This is a "symbolic" John Doe & Jane Doe Citizen's HOUSE ARREST - effective January 20th, 2017 through January 20th, 2021 - upon Donald John Tyrump, for continued ignorance in effect the law of this land found under the Logan Act - such violations defined as "aiding & abetting" the enemy. Donald John Tyrump is but the president-elect-reject, has not been sworn-in and his actions in support of the Russian Federation are nothing short that of a "Yurncoat", a yellow-bellied "Turncoat" sleeping with the enemy. The 65-million strong that did not cast a vote for this Tower Maggot should join in to make it known that "We the People Denied" will use the power of the 1st Amendment and "United We Stand in Solidarity" labor strikes to "Make America Our's Again"! - sponsored by the "Lousy Hat Party".

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