Saturday, December 31, 2016

Brietbarf News Update

Attention Donald Trump Transition Staff;

The National Weather Service has predicted a nasty day forecast for January 20th, the day our "New Messiah" gets ordained. There is also a warning from the Capitol Habitat Agency that an unusual virus has infected the pigeon population and the birds are shitting everywhere. Remember to bring not only a change of underwear, but a back-up hat - just incase you get dumped on. Because of this, Donald will give only a "short" speech and it is included below for your review. Also, if you received an unsolicited grizzly invite to the National Museum of African American Culture and caught entering that establishment, even for shelter from the storm of pigeon flocks crapping without aim, you could face a fine as we do not want association with anything Michelle on this historic day. Violators may be subject to a face sitting by Chris Christie - joking Donald, what a hoot! Any comments please direct e-males to:

Dear citizens of America!
We believe in ourselves, in what we can truly transform and transform the country. We have common goals, we want our America to be free, prosperous, rich, strong, civilized country, a country that prides itself on its citizens and which is respected in the world. In recent months, both in Washington and in meetings in the American regions, I feel your understanding and your support, and very often from people, from the most simple people in the squares and streets of our cities have heard very simple, but very important word for me. I said, "We believe you, we hope you, you just do not deceive us."

I can assure you that their actions will be guided solely by the public interest. May not be able to avoid mistakes, but what I can promise and promise, is that going to work openly and honestly.

I believe their sacred duty to unite the American people, to gather citizens around clear goals and objectives, and every day and every minute to remember that we have one Motherland, one nation, we have one thing in common with you future.

I am Vladimir Putin, and I approve Donald Trump's inaugural speech.

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