Sunday, December 4, 2016

New Age Politics - Solidarity

Saturday Night Live has provided "comic relief" upon the sitting U.S. Presidents since the Gerald Ford days. Yes, comic relief, no harm intended. But SNL has taken on a different disguise role model with the Donald John Trump "Tower" - for a reason. It is no longer "funny" and that stage is a voice that has credibility, sending a signal of beware. And when Trump cannot take this "comic relief" at its face value, well he knows that the SNL voice is different, as we are under attack by a lunatic maggot. The message is loud and clear. And when we see a one-time backer like Sarah Palin stepping up to the plate of ridicule, chastising Mr. Maggot with only 25-days into his narsissy dictatorship, the warning shot across the bow appears to be a direct hit. I witnessed Palin and her tenacity way before she became fair game for comedy central - when she went after one of her own when acting as a committee member for the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Committee. Her position on this powerful organization, that which looked after and dictated the development of the lucrative oil and gas resources found on Alaska's North Slope, her voice was as a "political appointee" and she went after a fellow republican, called his bluff for unethical behavior. It meant "brass-balls", as NO party separation existed between this feud. Palin won! Sounds like that same tenacity is allowing her to take shots at Trump, with respect to the "Carrier" jobs scam. So, will Sarah Palin become the Lech Walesa that will save this Republic's democracy? Serious, please don't laugh as we need something that instills "Hope" for the future. Our kids are asking, "Mommy & Daddy, what are you leaving US"? It appears that House Speaker Paul Ryan is sissy scared, of the Donald Trump bully. Which means that Congress is NO longer necessary. When the 111th went underground because the "white majority" could not stand a "Black Man" at the helm, Barack Obama operated without a Congress - it wasn't Obama's defiance that straw that broke the camel's back, it was downright discrimination by the sitting members of Congress that...well we see today after the 8-year test that Congress should just stay home. And now that Sarah Palin is speaking out upon Trump's 1st "Victory Lap" scam, maybe she sees what is at stake with the incoming narcissist dictator. Sarah has been silent, and this may be her stage entrance for re-entry into American politics, as "we are a nation divided", because of Congress. Yes, we have the power to abolish Congress, as long as we have the willpower and have a leader the likes as was found in Lech Walesa - wherein the power of the middle-class workers can "STRIKE" in efforts to be heard. Bringing the American infrastructure to its knees, it has more power than many can imagine. Congress is only  541 members strong. Those in favor of a "STRIKE say I", about 63-million strong. Congress was created for the cause, when it becomes ineffective, we must destroy it. Having a Lech Walesa step forward is what this nation needs and like Walesa with the Gdansk "electrician" listening to his "brothers & sisters" in "Solidarity", a nation divided is rescued. Dear Paul Ryan, if you have any balls, then get Donald Trump to release his tax returns. You are a disgrace to democracy, along with your cohorts in shame. But please, keep up the good job of Doing Nothing as I am afraid if you ever woke up and the U.S. Constitution was staring you in the face, it would scare you to death.

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