Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chief Jay Strongbow

So the ARMY Corp of Engineers has denied the Dakota Access Pipeline a "Permit to Proceed" over the tribal lands of the Sioux. Of course this came through serious deliberation with the "Corp", the Department of Justice and the "Oval Office" open for business. Wow, it has been over an hour this decision and victory for the Native Americans and the Donald has been silent. Remember, we must wait until 3am for his "Fireside Scat" messaging. But I am sure that by now Trump has talked to his high roller campaign contributor, Energy Transfer Partners and $billionaire$ CEO Kelcy Warren, who handed over $103000 to "Make America Greedy Again". And let us not forget, that Donald Trump has NOT divested his businesses and owns a "holding" in the "Partners". So Obama is smart, putting a delay in the final pipe stringing and delays like this take time for a remedy. If everybody is in agreement to a re-route around the disputed "Indian Lands", delays are minimized. But if the pipeline owners maintain a "hard-on", then this may be Trump's 1st test - and this ain't no Vince McMahon ring side showdown, as the Chief Jay Strongbows are ready for a Geronimo "WAR".

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