Saturday, June 11, 2016

Cause for Celebration?

Sad, so sad, that on June 7th this 2016 history in the making was defaced beyond recognition with Hillary Rodham Clinton taking the center stage along with Bill, while becoming this nations 1st “Woman” to be nominated as a democratic candidate for U.S. President. It was like a re-make of a "Spousal Abuse" documentary, Bill with his trade-mark smile with Hillary by his side, giving "stand by your man" new meaning. About the only saving grace if Hillary were to win the position of the 45th Commander-in-Chief is the fact no matter what she tried to do while in office, it will make Obama's legacy “golden” and skyrocket his afterburner approval rating. The only reason Obama is in support of  Hillary, and smiling all the way to his presidential library putting green. Obama wins, either with a Trump or Clinton win. Yet I doubt either will make it through the rigormortis process and actually find their names on the ballot, unless TP is the substitute for an official electoral. Look, the GOP has upwards 50 Congressional complaints asking for impeachment hearings upon Madam Clinton, ready to deliver subpoenas at 1:00pm on January 20th, should Hillary get sworn into the Oval Office. The Supreme Court Justice has already indicated a sick-out for that day, so good luck any swearing in ritual if Bill & Hillary show up for more attention. And Trump will be banned from America. With either at the helm, it will be a presidency that has NO traction and then this nation gets  not only a “Do Nothing Congress”, but an executive branch AWOL also. At least with a DNC - Do Nothing Congress – Obama performed his duties flawlessly while facing so many challenges and man-made obstacles – a.k.a. Boehners! Mark my word, in short notice Obama will go down as this nation's “best”. Defacing? Had not Gabrielle Gifford found herself under attack by Sarah Palin, Gifford would be in the limelight today, not Clinton! Yes, Gabrielle was supposed to be, well making history different that what has now overshadowed her aspirations. Look, yes it is an honor this 1st time "SHE" claim to fame, but when this takes place which it has now start your engines, we must remember what John Lennon taught us so well, that “Woman is the NIGGER of the world”. Maybe Hillary has the muster to withstand the storm of abuse that is about to come from, Trump and Company. It will be ugly, it will be nothing short a slug-fest, may the best ??? win! But I do believe the Rachel Madcows that have hovered around Clinton because they want to be part of that history in the making - did you see the Madcow and  Nicotine Wallace slug-fest, they must hate each other - kind of like the, forget it! Yet, Bernie Sanders is smart, his silence is golden and with a statutory plan of attack, and as too why he has maintained  support for himself and not jumped ship – as it ain't over yet with Hillary, she is under FBI investigation! One cannot downplay the significance of what is going on behind the scenes and even though supposedly a law-enforcement proceeding, it is political and will be ugly when Humpty Dumpty falls. What don't her supporters understand? So Bernie, even though he made mention during the 1st debate with the Madam that he “was tired of the server”, that doesn't mean that since that day he like many of us wait in limbo what it means for Clinton – as the shoe will drop, just what weight will it carry to cause a problem remains to be seen as a dead-weight at the bow is a navigational hazard, isn't it? See, many Sander's supporters may not pay attention to details the “Server”, but when the verdict is sealed, it has a two-edge sword effectiveness. If found NOT guilty, it has the same ramifications as a guilty verdict to the voters that want in office someone they can respect by vise-versa respect. Yes, the e-mail server is why Bernie is holding out. Before the July convention, we may see recommendations from the FBI – not something that calls for jail time, but from rumors surrounding the investigation that Hillary broke the law under 18USC 2071. What you don't hear from the press”ure” is this, that the Justice Department has been asked to look into a violation under the before mentioned “Code”. Guilty and already admitted so, for not surrendering government documents upon her departure from the State Department. Yes a guilty verdict on its face, but even if a convicted felon, she can still run for office as the U.S. Constitution is vague to criminal activity and “Presidential Qualifications”? OK, 18USC 2071 is a simple law, has nothing to do with “espionage”, just a simple rule that can chastise government officials if documents are mutilated, concealed or removed. Sure if convicted on a violation it can bring jail time and a monetary fine, but in this case Clinton's actions or inactions do not rise to the level of such sentencing – it was a “mistake”. The caveat, this law is the only law of record that finds  another ramification, one that finds not a criminal element nor a civil disobedience element, but a 3rd element that states the following:  “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, (1) shall be fined under this title or (2) imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and (3) shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” Which means it doesn't require the government police or government lawyers to render such a verdict, as is required by criminal sentencing. No judge required as it is an automatic sentence and doesn't take an authority whatsoever, as it is a self-governing decree – Hillary admitted it was a mistake to not surrender the documents, was a government employee covered under these rules so must face the consequences. Since Hillary has admitted it was a “mistake” and the fact there is more than enough evidence that documents may have been “removed or concealed”, the authority and jurisdiction are the words and wisdom behind this law, yes self incriminating it is - a powerful wording to say the least and “Disqualifies” Clinton from the U.S. Presidency. So, Clinton vs. the U.S. Government – “STAYED” and she is disqualified!  This is what will come down, not jail time, no fine, just a slap on the hands the extended wording from this law. It is the only law of record that has this 3rd element of, surprise...surprise...surprise! So count Hillary out, and I am sure that in the next few weeks, Donald Trump will hairy-racy himself  to another “Reality” due boardroom boredom as he is already showing such signs, of merely a waste of his time and fortune. He may even pick a VP then bail-out. So Bernie is holding out for a reason, so am I, that Hillary and Trump in the running is but a re-make of Gertrude & Hecliff – yes pure comedy, he who laughs last will feel the BERN!

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