Monday, December 28, 2015

Where We Need To Be?

Get over it! As Hillary Clinton was telling the truth her conviction about "where we need to be", with respect to the present Obama fight aligned in opposition to the neo-conservative funded ISIS gangland slayings. This recognition came during the Debbie Was-an-Asshole Schultz debates. Wow, is she full of herself, more over-bloated then Bill's "Cheap Thrillary". Look, this nation is a "WAR MACHINE" on steroids, and even after Barack Obama tried his best to keep our young troops-in-boots out of harm's way, by frowning away from engaging in military operations not fit for what this nation stands for and based on what our Founding Fathers said “we shall not”, all we hear is Hillary serenading what she and many think is a failed diplomacy and a Christmas wish the ISIS brigade maintains its fortification. Don't laugh, as there exists a faction of political perverts bent on "WAR" is best for this nation. Yes, condoning "WAR" for political reasoning. Hey, 28 kids have died this year alone in the continuation of George's "Yellow Cake" fantasy. OK, in comparison we mourned at 58-thousand kids coming home in a wooden-box tomb when we went engaged in Vietnamman - and casualties of war totaled 1-million after we were faked out with the “Gulf of Tonkin” fib. Look, Johnson lied as was Nixon good with a straight-face “Trust Me”. Clinton lied under oathwhile kid Bush whacked us silly with lies, so it appears that the 2016 “I swear to NOT tell the Truth so help me ISIS” may bring us another “I did not have sex with that whore”! And with "Yellow Cake", about 10-thousand kids found an early death for a fight with no reason the “mission accomplished”, and to date over a million collateral damage casualties, for what? See, "WAR" becomes a "bad thing" when our kids die in droves for no reason, so today's perpetrators find control over wars that keep the kid death count low - but the innocent bystanders bludgeoned to death keeps climbing and we are so far removed from the horrors of war, we let it continue on day after day after day. Why? It's a business venture! WAR makes money! It has nothing to do with "DEMOCRACY". So look to see the possibility of more "Daddy Warbucks" Wall Street investment loot heading to the be-headers in efforts to fortify the Apocalypse now - so the cha-ching call for more of that "WAR MACHINE" be heard from sea to shining sea. It's an erection year coming up, and the prey-planned increase in "Terrorism" tests our souls, as many of the perverts in the 2016 race run on a "War Machine" mentality. Funny how "Terrorist" attacks seem to increase when it can be used as a talking and advantage taking point. It's planned, get the point! Yes, money from Wall Street is fueling ISIS and furloughing Obama's “”Peace Initiative””, the reason Hillary is in the "Debbie Does Devils" pocket book. Cause havoc, time to send in the troops and $million$ dollar bombs, how about sending in the clowns - as before we send our kids to fight for nothing gained, maybe those perpetrating this neo-Xconcreative cesspool of constipation think tank experiment should experience what it is like to battle a gang of criminals bent on, "WAR, what is it good for"?  If any "Able Bodied American" of voting age does not realize what is going on today with the "WAR MACHINE", please hand back your voter registration card and please stop calling yourself an "American".  Yes and no doubt about it, ISIS is funded by the neo-conservative PNAC mindset, in efforts to extend our "Democracy" around the world - and Hillary is part of this mentality that is "Evil"! Maybe they do not want to be like us over yonder! So she uses the Was-an-Assman podium to voice that trill-seeking mentality, well she is a "HAWK". Now being Hawkish finds merit, or did one time in history, but when one compares the Obama peace mentality with the Putin "war" mentality, good God why cannot we for once honor Lennon's "War is Over if you want it" belief and sentiment? It's Christmas time, cannot we harness the trigger happy killing machine for...a test period wherein blood-shed is relieved for a moment's notice? On your mark, get set, GO - please shake hands and apologize. Barack has fought his own battle royal, in efforts to maintain civil obedience - the foundation of our Constitution -  like a Constitutional scholar should behave and just when we see “Peace” on the horizon, the Hillary “Hawk” Klan - HHK - interferes with a take-over make-over and invokes civil disorder, by funding thugs bent on keeping the “Killing Fields” alive and well with “Hatred”. Obama is a One-Man ARMY, bent on “Peace” and one day we will realize that “WAR” was and is a waste of not only human sacrifice, but when our hard earned income is used against our will – as this “WAR” is against Obama's will – we as a nation fail. Here it is in a nutshell. WAR is no longer vogue, as it takes away resources we need to expel from export abroad and Barack has tried and succeeded to lite the fuse for "Peace", and only Bernie Sanders maintains a "mission" to continue this trend.  Public Enema Number One, it is this “WAR MACHINE” in disguise as a saving grace weapon against terrorism, camouflaged to hide the true identity of perverted investment opportunities. People from across the oceans “Hate” us for a reason, we like to “KILL” because it makes $money$! Yes, it is time we destroy the American "WAR MACHINE", and with that we will once and for all reap the benefits of, "Brotherly Love". It is so simple an equation! Look, we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and if the terrorists don't disappear when we destroy our own “Terror Machine” that perpatrates this madness of an eye-for-an-eye, then I invite them here - as we still maintain a “Well Regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State” that does not care to hear that cha-ching for protecting the “Homeland”. That is in our blood, not the present day mentality of supporting making a buck for “Daddy Warbucks” - a.k.a. Military Defense Contractors. Wow, IMAGINE what a $trillion$ bucks kept here in the “Homeland” could do to the ailing infrastructure, creating thousands of jobs instead of $million$ dollar bonuses to wives of the “WAR MACHINE” CEOs. Yes, today's “WAR MACHINE” has become a lucrative business, a “Gold Mine” for the Wall Street, and it is time  “We the People” tear down that “WALL” as the blood thirst of this mindset is, well look at your palms - it's not sweet sweat, but blood and tears as we are all guilty this “WAR MACHINE's” prosperity! In ending, “War is over, if you want it”, something Barack Obama came very close to achieving but neo-conservative madness that was formulated during the PNAC venture with Wall Street - Project for a New American Century – it holds the upper hand and 2016 will be a choice, for “Prosperity of Peace” or “Horror of Unnecessary WAR” and the playing fields those wanting to lead this nation backwards towards more blood-shed, well like mentioned before only Bernie Sanders can carry the Obama torch to the victory finish line wherein a “Peace Initiative” is the goal. If we vote in the continuation of the “WAR MACHINE”, we have become “slaves” and like Lennon also pounced upon, that “Woman is the Nigger of the world”, we Americans not aligned to Wall Street will be in the same vote...that is what your 2016 vote is all about!

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