Saturday, December 19, 2015

DNC Cease & Desist

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
DNC National Chairperson
* This Correspondence is a Legal Cease & Desist DEMAND NOTICE *
Any and all information of record the Democratic National Committee with respect to voter registration and/or history and/or preference or any other reason the DNC retains such data and/or information under the legal name of S. Pam MaGee, residence being Anchorage, Alaska, such information on record shall not be denied upon request and/or with-held from Bernie Sanders or any officer acting on Bernie Sanders' behalf. If this demand cannot be accommodated and denies Bernie Sanders beneficial information his 2016 campaign, then the DNC shall cease & desist retaining any and all information in its data base under the above name. If the DNC cannot provide this information upon a Bernie Sanders request, the DNC shall within 24-hours erase such information from its data base and all connected archives, pertaining to S. Pam MaGee. If further indentifying information is required to erase this information as demanded under the correspondence, please advise and that information will be forwarded so the DNC can erase all information of record. If it is acknowledged that the DNC ignores this demand, legal litigation will follow.

Dated December 18th, 2015

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