Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Ultimate “DEAR JOHN”

Dear John, with regard to your retirement speech: “I leave with no regrets or burdens. If anything, I leave as I started – just a regular guy humbled by the chance to do a big job.” I'm puzzled, as well perplexed the same sentiment many other Fellow Americans - as what in hell did you do after how many unproductive years as House Speaker with respect to your chance to do a big job” philosophy? And please don't forget, an approval rating in the cesspool and with the title of the “House Speaker” of the 112th and 113th and 114th “Do Nothing” Congress, can you really take away anything constructive performed except in a few hundred years our kids will be learning about the “True Obstructionism” in their history lessons! And how your actions and inactions proved nothing except insults against the Commander-in-Chief. See, many of us believe you are quitting because Obama single handedly woke up the economy ramshackled by the Bush administration and Barack, well history will also tell us the truth about a “Great Man” you are not! Look Mr. Tan Man, since you have boycotted the “True America” spirit for the past years, if the salt-of-the-earth working class heroes of this nation acted according to your bible of work ethics, the day the earth stood still would be a reality. So, after sifting through years of your crying-out-loud fits before the citizens in efforts we feel sorry your sorry ass approach to dereliction the conviction under oath the “Sense of Congress” abandoned, I did find a photo-opportunity that sums up your career - as “We the People” see it...

"John Boehner's AMERICAN passion"!

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