Friday, October 16, 2015

HRC Restorability Rating


Hillary Clinton's “Restorability Rating”:

October 14th @ 18% and falling
(Following 1st DNC Presidential Debate)

October 17th @ 16% and falling
(Following Huma Abedin testifying before Benghazi Committee)

October 21st @ 12% and falling
(Following Hillary testifying before same committee)

The “ZUCKERBERG Poll” is a sophisticated “Predictive Political Polling” instrument secretly secluded away and administered from remote Alaska. Designed by college students, it utilizes the “Brain Power” of a U.S. Taxpayer funded Cray Super Computer housed at the University of Alaska - in Fairbanks. The “ZUCKERBERG Poll” is a predictive model that mimics sophisticated weather modeling algorithms in efforts to consume polling information from the majors, like from Gallup-Pew-Rasmussen-Quinnipiac, then proceed with number crunching in efforts to regurgitate polling numbers for the future. “Red Storm” is a high performance parallel processing computer consisting of the “Brain Power” of 26000 PCs, or in computer language capable of 200 “Tera-flops”, which means it could generate an Excel “Spreadsheet” 5x5-miles long and “Recalculate” all cells within 1-second! The “RED STORM” utilizes an operating system called “Cougar”.

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