Friday, October 16, 2015

Hillary Fined $2000

HE Said, SHE Said...OK, it is easy to see that the fascination the news' media finds with Hillary Clinton and for a time on hold, that it is loud and clear once again. “But for” a short-lived victory for those that have nothing better to do then mesmerize our minds with segregated “opinions” in efforts to persuade us to be like them and vote like them. Dylan warned us about such with “everybody wants you to be just like them” with “Maggies's Farm” - today a reality! But, the news' media of our times is not like of old when the “Cronkites” roamed and romanced our living rooms at dinner-time, today it doesn't command anymore notoriety or respect for endorsing a candidate – as “We the People” can do our own homework – the bed we make! See, supposedly more tuned into the 1st 2016 Democratic Presidential debates then ever of record, as many had heard about Hillary's SNL audition. For myself, I channel surfed between the L.A. Dodgers “Let's break a few legs” playoff game and tried to get a take on Bernie Sanders during the “stretch”. Read my lips, as Bernie's message was also loud and clear, “Tired of the DAMN e-mails! Well, the truth in reasoning this statement finds the fact that many of us are indeed “Tired”, “DAMN Tired of Hillary”. Look, those many-more tuning out baseball and tuning in the debates did so NOT for Hillary's sake, but to get a glimpse of who and what this Sanders' character is all about. Said again, “We the People are TIRED”! Now following the “Candidates Debate”, DNC Chairperson Debbie Was-a-Maniac Colonel-Klink-Schultz and the DNC “Water Boy” - Howard Dean – they sounded off that the “Debate” was a win for the “Democrats”? It's a debate, win or loose! Get the point, nothing in return in between, because it was not a slam-dunk victory for Hogan's Heroes Hillary - something that was needed in efforts to find a game changing directional boost for her tanking credibility. Yes, it is almost on the exponential path of no-return – slippery slope in layman's terms. So, this means SHE didn't pull it off the way many had hoped – especially MSNBC's Cyst Mathews. SHE didn't loose, but did not gain the traction her compassionate posse of bimbos had intended to take her freely to the interrogation...I meant inauguration. With this supposed win for the Democrats, with those that had already made up thy mind to insult this nation by a “Hillary for President”, well it means Joe Biden blew his chance. But it is good news for Mr. Sanders, as it is an indication some are still searching. The latest “Zuckerberg Poll” - which is a predictive model that can scan the future based on other polling numbers – the forecast shows that by this time next week Hillary's restorability numbers remain stable at 24% “Weiner Take All” with Sanders gaining 3% as Biden fans peel away towards...well away from Clinton. OK, so I am in agreement that the “e-mail” episode has played out its course and of course is a “Witch Hunt” still in effect due the fact even though we hear once again threats of a “government shutdown”, that the “energizer” is alive and well and roaming the “Halls of Congress”. So here is what should be taken as closure the Hillary “e-mail” scandal and put to rest forever the “Server” now under the “Witness Protection Program”. Come the Benghazi Committee hearing next week in which Hillary will unveil more excuses, it should be a simple case closed hearing wherein Chairman Trey Gowdy gavels in a sentencing. No more questioning, just end it forever speak our peace with no “crime” committed with the Benghazi cover-up issue and also address the “e-mail” predicament for closure – two birds with one stone. First and foremost, Hillary was Secretary of State and through “Oath of Office” was the caretaker and “custody of records”, so the use of a “Private Server” serves as the evidence of a dereliction of duty. With that said, she violated that oath by her own actions by loosing “custody” and has so admitted “it was wrong”, the same sentiment that we hear from the Commander-in-Chief. So two wrongs make for, well pay the fine for the minor offense – just so we can recoup some of our looses. See, according to “Rules” promulgated by the “Founding Fathers”, Hillary Clinton should be held in contempt of the Constitution. Then Gowdy should slam the gavel and everybody can go home, end of story. NEWSFLASH: Hillary pays $2000 fine for violating 18 U.S.C. § 2071 then is told with such a charge of record, well “...disqualified from holding any office under the United States.Now the media has a STORY”! GOTCHA? No, what the law states and in this case should be appreciated and condoned as it will send the message that those in high office must be accountable.


APPROVED, July 27, 1789, the FIRST CONGRESS:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be an Executive department, to be denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs(Today known as the Department of State).
SECTION. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said principal officer, and every other person to be appointed or employed in the said department, shall, before he enters on the execution of his office or employment, take an oath or affirmation, well and faithfully to execute the trust committed to him.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary for the Department of Foreign Affairs, to be appointed in consequence of this act, shall forthwith after his appointment, be entitled to have the custody and charge of all records, books and papers in the office of Secretary for the Department of Foreign Affairs, heretofore established by the United States In Congress assembled.

On January 21, 2009 Hillary Rodham Clinton was sworn in as Secretary of the Department of State(Originally the Department of Foreign Affairs): “I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

With that, Hillary Clinton became the responsible “custodian” of all records, books and papers(which includes e-mails) of the entire Department of State – this is a sworn responsibility we find in the U.S. Constitution – under merit of “well and faithfully to execute the trust committed”! In March of this year, we learned that Hillary Rodham Clinton - while in the capacity of Secretary of State - may have destroyed e-mails that could have been subjected to such “custodial” requirements.

Now according to 18 U.S.C.: § 2071 - Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

Fact 1: Hillary Rodham Clinton was the defacto “Custodian” of State Department “Records”, through the “Oath of Office”.
Fact 2: Hillary Rodham Clinton has already admitted to destroying “Records”.
Fact 3: By refusing to turn over the “SERVER” in question wherein Hillary Rodham Clinton deposited e-mails of State Department interest during her tenure as “Secretary of State”, that finds merit under “Unlawful Concealment”.
Fact 4:That the books, records, and other papers of the United States, that relate to this department, be committed to his custody, to which, and all other papers of his office, any member of Congress shall have access: Provided, That no copy shall be taken of matters of a secret nature, without the special leave of Congress” - in which a “leave” under such “custodial” responsibility had not been granted by Congress. Hillary Rodham Clinton has also denied Congressional access to the e-mails in question.

Guilty of violating the law? YES, so what does it mean – read the fine print:BE DISQUALIFIED FROM HOLDING ANY OFFICE UNDER THE UNITED STATES”!

If “We the People” refuse to hold Hillary Rodham Clinton responsible for violating the law, it means the “Constitution” is under attack!

PS. I am not a republican, just a “True American” that wants justice served for what appears to be a simple “crime” committed against the U.S. Constitution.

ZUCKERBERG Sidebar: In 2009 President Barack Obama signed into effect a crucial “Executive Order” that mandated proper training for those responsible for “Classified Documents”, including the “Caretakers” as was Hillary by virtue her position as Secretary of State. Considered a requirement in that “EO 13526” was enforcement that “All Caretakers of Record” be initially trained then required refresher training courses each following year – mandatory training and this included Hillary Clinton. If an individual were to miss the initial training and or there-after refreshers, the privilege of access to “Classified Information” could be denied, until such time training was authenticated. In April, this year, I made a simple request to the State Department for Hillary Clinton's “Traing Records” with respect to “EO 13154”, this was through a “Freedom of Information Act” request. Yes, a no-brainer simple request for a few training documents. Well, I just received back a repulsion response following another response that it will take until January of 2016 to find the records? Why such a delay and a violation of the FOIA “Transparency” requirements, because Hillary didn't receive any training, as maybe she was just to “DAMN TIRED” of abiding by the rules...

Obama's Exectuive Order(that which should be in effect and sink Clinton):

d) All original classification authorities must receive training in proper classification (including the avoidance of over-classification) and declassification as provided in this order and its implementing directives at least once a calendar year. Such training must include instruction on the proper safeguarding of classified information and on the sanctions in section 5.5 of this order that may be brought against an individual who fails to classify information properly or protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure. Original classification authorities who do not receive such mandatory training at least once within a calendar year shall have their classification authority suspended by the agency head or the senior agency official designated under section 5.4(d) of this order until such training has taken place. A waiver may be granted by the agency head, the deputy agency head, or the senior agency official if an individual is unable to receive such training due to unavoidable circumstances. Whenever a waiver is granted, the individual shall receive such training as soon as practicable.

Sec. 5.5. Sanctions. (a) If the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office finds that a violation of this order or its implementing directives has occurred, the Director shall make a report to the head of the agency or to the senior agency official so that corrective steps, if appropriate, may be taken.

(b) Officers and employees of the United States Government, and its contractors, licensees, certificate holders, and grantees shall be subject to appropriate sanctions if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently:

(1) disclose to unauthorized persons information properly classified under this order or predecessor orders;

(2) classify or continue the classification of information in violation of this order or any implementing directive;
(3) create or continue a special access program contrary to the requirements of this order; or
(4) contravene any other provision of this order or its implementing directives.
(c) Sanctions may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of access to classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with applicable law and agency regulation.
(d) The agency head, senior agency official, or other supervisory official shall, at a minimum, promptly remove the classification authority of any individual who demonstrates reckless disregard or a pattern of error in applying the classification standards of this order.

(e) The agency head or senior agency official shall:

(1) take appropriate and prompt corrective action when a violation or infraction under paragraph (b) of this section occurs;

END of STORY! SHE is TOAST...and can stay out of jail for a measly $2000 bucks, but well worth the payoff for "US".

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