Thursday, February 26, 2015

Alaska Bond Sale

K&B Associates represents an interest in securing from 3rd party investors obligational commitments for the purchase of approximately $500,000,000.00(USD) in “Municipal AA Bonds” held by the Alaska Rail Road Corporation and pre-approved for sale by the Alaska State Legislature. Such “Bond Sale” designed for the sole purpose of constructing a natural gas pipeline transport infrastructure from Prudhoe Bay terminating at a Fairbanks based “Gate Station”, in efforts at supporting the electrical energy needs of consumers and as a non-coal “replacement” source of energy to power the existing military bases and in-line with the Federal Government's mandate for “Green Power Partner” affiliation and participation. The pipeline construction supported by this “Bond Sale” is intended for the Interior/Fairbanks & North Pole area augmented with enhanced 1200 BTU quality gas for increased efficiencies above and beyond “pipeline quality gas”. Consideration will also be given for a pipeline extension to Eielson Air Force Base should that base be chosen for the home of the F-35 fighter squadron, a final decision due in 2015. With respect to the secureness of such bonds as an investment opportunity, because of the Alaska Rail Road's affiliation as a “State Corporation”, such allows a rating above any similar rated bonds as the State of Alaska maintains “Reserves” that in total approach $80-Billion. Even though that “Reserve” does not guarantee the financial stability of such bonds, it does lend itself as a financial health indicator of a “State of the State” that is unmatched today. As an added financial incentive, interested parties may be guaranteed a % of the “Net Operating Revenues” of this natural gas pipeline once operation commences, depending on % participation in this “Bond Offering”, specifics of such financial incentive TBD at finalization of this project and the result of this “Open Season” seeking investment financial support. Interested investors should e-mail S. Pam McGee @

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