Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wanted: Music Man

It appears that to become a “Celebrity” on an Alaskan “Reality” show, the only pee-requisite wanted by the film crew is, “a rap sheet and a cigarette butt”. So I coined this song and looking for a music man to tune it up, all about Alaska's “Reality” shows:

Title: Rap Sheet and a Cigarette Butt

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
All I needs for a tryout
For a
hire-out my meth-an-pet-a-mine
Can't get a job as a slopo
Don't like a life as a repo
B&E felony meant a low role
So m
aybe get a job with filmo
Bitch, fuck, shit all I need to know.

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Camera man
tax credit date rape
Right here with this x-cell mate
makes him puke and pee slick
ike a beating makes a girl slut
nd dv makes me sound hot
Shoe in for the reel man

Bitch, fuck, shit all I need to know.

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Jail time I don't get smart
History man wants whack shot

me on a fake edge
All I want is m
e stage fame
law lame for the same
We one in the game low life

Bitch, fuck, shit all I need to know.

Rap sheet and a cigarette
All I needs a
fake pass
 Law break'r is my name
itt'n on society so high
Catch me on boob tube
Alaska reality, life after bars 
Film man making me a star
Bitch, fuck, shit all I need to know.

Rap Sheet and cigarette butt 
Ice road for that Yukon gold!

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Over edge
we insane bandits

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Helter Skelter pilgrim's progress

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Off road
finds a sleaze squeeze

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt
Alaska Reality, fame for shame

Rap sheet and a cigarette butt!

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