Thursday, December 11, 2014

Smart President

Wow, is Barack Obama smart or what? When Obama recited the “Oath”, he meant it! A few weeks after the Democrats lost both the House and Senate, well it appears it is pay back time – for all the crap the “White Right” has thrown at Obama over a twice-right presidential term wherein we have before us probably one of the “Best” presidents ever of record! At least in my time since Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. After that it was all down-hill until Obama showed up. The Bush-Clinton-Bush dysentery dynasty legacy left nothing but ruins upon our Constitution – and our “American Spirit” was so tarnished through those years that we had to resort to “Torture” in efforts to try and demonstrate to the rest of the world something still wrought with confusion. Hey, today the Afghanistan war has ended! Obama stopped the Iran conflict also, wow! The list of Obama's accomplishments, why in hell are you so afraid to acknowledge his achievements? See, since we had been without a real “Commander-in-Cheif” for so long during the BCB terms of endangerment, we don't know how to act! Now lets contemplate what it means though today for the 114th Congress that is scheduled to take over in about 30-days! Falling oil prices, I mean castrating oil prices that is sending drilling rigs to the bone yard and fracing crews to the unemployment line faster then information provided to Dick Cheney by “detainees” subjected to “Rectal Re-Hydration”. Wow, was he a sicko, a candidate for the “In-Humane Award of the Century” - but lets hope instead it means jail time! Now the worst repercussion of the oil price crash, in about 30-days the jobs affected will become a factor – and what in Congress to do about it? Yes, right now as we enjoy the holidays, the plan of attack is taking shape. Look, don't mess with Obama, as he has gone out of his way above and beyond to show that we can once again trust a Commander-in-Chief, but for that Mr. President has been shit on by the FOX's child - some imbecile of a slob named Hannity. And what is with this Ann Coltergeist, another FOX reject? So yes, Obama has initiated his plan of attack against those that continue to “hate” America today just because of the “black man” race! It is all much ado about nothing accept with prejudice and racism still a bastard trait we harbor out of our insecurities. Hey, Obama's plan for the future, no different then the doom & gloom plan that Bush & Cheney placed into operation while they existed the White House. See, some liked that “Doom & Gloom” plan, but it backfired! Obama succeeded, lets see what is in store next time around. Maybe, maybe a Bernie Sanders could do justice to continue on what was started by Obama to fix America. I believe Obama's plan leads into that scenario, with Bernie, a Socialist Democrat to pave the way forward what Obama started – it will indeed re-write the history books. So on top of that, about the same time Congress takes the oath of conviction against eviction, there will come pressure from the United Nations to indict Bush & Cheney for “War Crimes”, due the torture they allowed and made public in the release of the CIA “Torture” manual. So that will be another wrench thrown at Congress, as they have only one way to turn on that, it is called immunity – which requires Obama's signature. And advocates that were all for but so wrong with this torture, saying it was justified, well they are already pressuring Obama to let the Bush & Cheney criminals off the hook. Look, Obama now holds the ACE, he will get anything he wants. And with oil stocks faltering, WALL STREET will crash, unless something can be done to shore up the financial markets. So long Wall Street, as this time around you have not hypocrites in office to bail your ass out of a “speculation hedge bet beating” jam. Hey, this time around the Wall tumbling down will hurt the 1%, so what! Which means this time around, the middle class makes out, it is the rich bastards that will take it in the shorts - a.k.a. “Rectal Re-hydration”. So way to go Obama. Yes and with oil prices on a crash course this will take care of the “Frac” dilemma - as when oil gets this low “fracing” looses out - so for a while it will be out-of-site and out-of-mind. Also of importance is the fact this nation has been running on fumes, financially speaking. See, we are still maintaining the status quo somewhat through the Obama “Stimulus” program started way back when and come about this time next year, we will see wherein the GOP controlled Congress will have to authorize, yes another round of “Stimulus” bucks. And with the “Cruz Missile” fringe taking over, better take your savings out of the bank and put it in safe keeping, today! But no panic yet, as if it all goes down according to plans, it is the “Middle Class” that will benefit from this plan. Sure there will come kicking and screaming from the “right”, and attempts to prove this and fail at that, just give it some time and when the smoke of destruction clears away from the gated communities of the wealthy, we will prevail! Now even though Obama looks run down and tired, I bet he laughs every night before retiring. But it is not truly an entertainment laugh, more of a frustrated acknowledgement, that IMAGINE if we gave him credit how much more we could get done! Is this not the role of Congress, instead of a “Destructive” mandate? When did we give Congress the authority to act as imbeciles? Give it up, as Obama has won, with odds against him, with hurdles and burdens fabricated just to intimidate progress by a “Black Man”. In this “My America”! Get it yet, he has no other dedication then too that bestowed the honors of the “Oval Office”! If he was “White”, we would be all so proud! It amounts too this, that the Martin Luther King dream of “one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” is still a “Dream”. Well Obama may be the guiding light that finally makes that “Dream” a reality. But unfortunately, it takes time for the wicked to come to terms that their reasoning was evil and off course, time will tell as it takes time for many to see the light. And Obama's immigration reform is working along with the fact the “Test” period for ObamaCare has proven itself, so it ain't going away. Congress is in trouble if it behaves some more with an attitude of continued distrust with Obama! In fact, there will come a “meltdown” in Congress, like occurred when Dorothy doused the “Wicked Witch of the North”, and maybe pretty soon we can all rejoice with “Ding Dong the Cruz Congress is Deadand parade down that yellow-brick-road of “Freedom for All”. We can do it, we just have to let go of our prejudices. And for those bigots that like to use that “N” word when talking about our Commander-in-Chief, swallow this for a cure:

If you define "niggers" as someone whose lifestyle is defined by others, whose opportunities are defined by others, whose role in society are defined by others, then Good News! You don't have to be black to be a "nigger" in this society. Most of the people in America are "niggers" ~ Ron Dellums, United States Congressmen(1971 – 1998 and member in good standing the “Black Caucus”)

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