Thursday, December 4, 2014

Stealing Alaska

OK, why is the state legislature allowing tax breaks for outside wages and allowing outsiders to teach our kids that it is OK to smoke tobacco? Yes, the “Alaska Tax Film Credit” statutes allows for outside film companies to get a transferable “Corporate Tax Credit” that can be purchased by an Alaskan corporation that must pay “Tax”. Yes, a handsome 40% credit against what a film crew makes as income, while taking that wealth back home and in the meantime getting a refund on top of that - it is “double jeopardy dipping” without a doubt! So for instance, in 2013 a film crew was on the scene as some “off the grid” imbecile - new to Alaska - tried to measure the penis size of a Muskox? As this is what “Realty Stupidity” is all about and making Alaska no longer the “Last Frontier” but the “Laughable Frontier”, well that filming for 2013 amounted to $13-Million in credits – for outside wages! Now this is America, wherein you can waste your time doing whatever you damn well please, even if it means being “brainwashed” into believing that somebody would actually attempt to measure that penis. And what about that show with Fred Thompson selling “Reverse Mortgages”, that seems to be just a sequel for an upcoming “American Greed” episode, as Fred and the “Fonzie” are hauled off to prison. But as a traveler back and forth frequently from Alaska - and no I do not receive a welfare PFD check as I follow the law - I for one am very tired of being asked then informing outsiders the truth about what is learned from these “Realty” shows about Alaska: NO, Alaskan Natives are not a bunch of drunks! And NO, that road north is NOT an ice road. And NO, those big fishing boats on that sea-sick show are not “True” Alaska commercial fishermen, as I know these pathetic filmsters could not endure what it's really like when “land ahoy” is not a “Reality”. So there is a whole lot of “imagination” and mind manipulation that goes into these fake outs. But it makes money, as it is so easy to watch low-level-intelligence crap, as it does not involve any thinking – what defines a couch potato. But it is indeed “fake”, and if the FCC was doing its job, just like with the FDA requiring “Nutrition Labeling = ZERO on a Big Mac“, so should there be a disclaimer that “THESE SHOWS ARE NOT ENTIRELY TRUE”. And then the viewers would revolt and find something else to waste the time, as when you tell someone the truth it may have compromising consequences. Ever wonder why we no longer see Jacques Cousteau and company on the National Geographic/Discovery Channel? Look, if you want nature stuff these days, good thing we still have PBS – but come January 15th that will be the 2nd thing passed by Congress, no more funding right after task Numero UNO – that pay raise! But here is what really gripes my ass about this entire “Tax Credit Program”. Sure it promotes Alaska, maybe in a negative light when that film crew following the “Alaska Troopers” makes every effort to film filth that tries to portray that Alaska has an inebriation problem or that if it really wanted to film what commercial fishing was all about, that crew with the camera would abandon the “Bandit” and climb aboard the “Pole Cat. And let us not forget the Billy Brown family of cowards – now off the air due indictment of how many felonies – once again promoting Alaska at its best! Of course the “Best of the Best” film was when Ted “I SHIT MY PANTS TO GET OUT OF THE DRAFT” Nugent's film crew captured the “Crappster's” illegal black bear hunt! Yes, he was prosecuted, maybe we need a “Reality Judge” show, especially with all the “Corrupt” crap that still goes on here in the “Corrupt Bastard Club” state of affairs. So what really irks my oosik is the fact that many of these shows are merely commercials that promote it is OK to smoke tobacco, and that is wherein legislative oversight has failed. Bottom-line, to allow these film crews a “Tax Credit” incentive when at the same time the subliminal message it harmful, what have we gained – besides ridicule by outsiders that have caught on to this “Fake Alaska Is? So look, this fraud in filming is no different then outsiders trying to get a PFD. Bottom-line, there is so much “good” stuff to film here in Alaska, yet we seem to be stool stuck with this “Reality” crap, which was not always the case - until, until Sarah Palin became the “Reality Queen” and today this state suffers the fallout of a failure. This fad before the celluloid is inciting a fringe to move up here, to get that camera time – and in the meantime the “True” Alaska gets waysided. See, why do we never see a film about what goes on in the “Oil Patch” here in Alaska way up north in Prudhoe Bay? Because that is “Reality”, no doubt about it, but it ain't laughter, it is serious business and this is not what sells couch potato time! So these shows have much to do about nothing and promote smoking, that to be a rough and tough “Reality” whore it is OK to puff away. And it must have an influence as smoking is up across the nation with a segment of the population known to like watching these “Reality” shows, especially if about “Alaska”. So we not only give tax credits away to incite the fact that Alaska has a crazed population and that smoking tobacco products is OK, well this state actually benefits financially as we take some of our “resource” development loot from the “Black Gold” and invest it in Phillip Morris & the British American Tobacco Company, in the tune of $68-Million oil producing royalty bucks and have realized a gain of $25-Million, very close to what the “Tax Film Credit” has lost this state in revenue. So even though we give away tax credits and actually loose revenue, we make it up in the tobacco stocks. Wow, was this planned? Smoke-ON!

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