Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hurricane Season

Sign outside United States Department of Justice – Civil Rights Enforcement Division, “Blacks Need Not Apply”! Honestly, with the “No Indictment” in the NYPD “Choke-Hold” cigarette butt case which followed shortly the “No Indictment” in the Ferguson cigar case, it appears to be “Open Season” for “Black boys on Mopeds”. Wow, we grew up listening and trying to reason what Bob Dylan was trying to tell us, as Dylan was a poet and a prophet. Today it appears what he was telling us back then is coming somewhat true, especially in the police brutality “forced” killings and maybe time to revisit the life and times of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, as a sequel to what is coming down the pike:

Just as my own verdict was predicated on racism rather than reason” ~ Rubin “Hurricane” Carter.

When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road
Just like the time before and the time before that.
In Paterson that's just the way things go.
If you're black you might as well not show up on the street
'Less you want to draw the heat.
All of Rubin's cards were marked in advance
The trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance.
The judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the slums
To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum
And to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger.
No one doubted that he pulled the trigger.
And though they could not produce the gun,
The D.A. said he was the one who did the deed
And the all-white jury agreed
~ Bob Dylan

In Ferguson and New York, the most recent “No True Bill” non-indictments against police officers acting outside their domain of duty and authority indicates an indictment of “guilty” for the deceased, killed during these random acts of “racial” violence. And it appears that Hurricane can speak for both dead “brothers”, that the verdict by the Grand Jury in both cases was “predicated on racism rather than reason - And the all-white jury agreed.” Yes, for the most part we understand that the “Grand Wizard Jury” lacked sincerity of “race equality” and that “Black” jurors were outnumbered. Death, premeditated through “a racist attitude” is a life sentence now for Michael Brown and Eric Garner, wrongfully convicted as the perpetrators - getting what they so deserve according to the Grand Jury verdicts - of something that is causing an unrest and divide here in the “Homeland” like never witnessed before. Like “racism & prejudice” have really never been exterminated and now that we have a Great Leader within Barack Obama, the fact that he is “Black” does not sit well with many and “our” true feelings no longer closet bound. Yes, we have before us today a “Born Again” clash in race, especially when the United States Congress can get away with a bill called “We Hate Obama” floating through the vote cycle. If we had a man like J. Edgar Hoover present, those that incite such “Hatred” upon the Commander-in-Chief would be incarcerated – as even for a member of Congress immunity finds limitations, or did so at one time. Before Hurricane passed away, he wrote an article called, “Hurricane Carter's Dying Wish” which kind of sums it up with respect to civil injustice even today, wherein “Blacks need not apply”:
A man who has been wrongly convicted needs an unprejudiced higher authority, a person with nothing to lose or gain by righting an injustice, to examine the evidence that people have refused to act on. Is it willful blindness or self-interest that is to blame?.........The prosecutor jumped on confessions like dogs on a bone, and the office of the DA had been chewing on it ever since. New affidavits could strongly indicate that potentially exculpatory police reports were lost, discarded or suppressed. DNA testing and fingerprint evidence could point in other directions.........Just as my own verdict was predicated on racism rather than reason and on concealment rather than disclosure. My aim is in helping pave it forward, to give the help that I received as a wrongly convicted man. If I find a heaven after this life, I’ll be quite surprised. In my own years on this planet, though, I lived in hell for the first 49 years, and have been in heaven for the past 28 years. To live in a world where truth matters and justice, however late, really happens, that world would be heaven enough for us all." ~ Rubin “Hurricane” Carter

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