Friday, December 19, 2014

SONY Attack

Here is the deal, love it or leave it! Sometimes we must yield to accept without question what our government is telling us or acting out on our behalf, especially with respect to how it responds to terrorist like activity being planned to harm us. We still fear for our lives and one of the things we allow is some semblance of trust, upon those whose duty it is to watch over things on the horizon, to make sure we remain safe. Uncle Sam has done a hell of a job since 911, but the cowards are out there and just give them some breathing room and they will attempt to stop us from breathing. Sure they want to “Water-Board” us to death, as some lunatics believe in that eye-for-an-eye revenge! But it is a tough decision making situation for the security detail agencies, an even tougher decision for the White House, as when does a government known concern force an action that may trample our rights, our freedoms? Wherein any inaction could prove to be a missing opportunity and then what? I would say that time has come, wherein for the good of that “Freedom” the government may have taken drastic measures in efforts to protect us from a possible and more then credible foreseeable attack. IMAGINE had December 25th found bloodshed, pain and suffering this iconic day of peace, how would we have reacted? It would have basically shattered John Lennon's dream, mine also. How would we then respond finding out in the aftermath that there existed threats, yet our government refrained away from its duty due more concerned over a popularity contest? Can you IMAGINE again the devastation years to come if we are ever attacked on Christmas day? Talk about nightmares for our kids! So if there exists even the faintest of concern the possibility we may find threats a reality on special days, hey I am willing to shed some of my freedoms, in efforts for the government to take action. Again, not allowing any “Martial Law” type takeover, just giving Uncle Sam a little wiggle room to do what it feels necessary to defend our sovereignty. Now what purposed this concern about a possible attack on Christmas day was the scheduled release of the “Interview”, a very controversial film that jokingly plans an “Assassination” of North Korea's Kim Fungi Phooey Poontang. Pathetic, a movie release about an “Assassination” on one of the busiest movie going days of the year, a family day in which the profits can take a theater safely into the next year – it was a terrible choice for the “Big Screen” no matter how you define “Free Speech”, even if just a parody drama. It stunk, and everybody that thought of entertaining themselves with that satire should be ashamed – we must refrain away from crap that threatens our peace and sanctity. What good is it? Want some laughs, just pay attention to your Congress! Look, it should have never been filmed for the general public, maybe for “Fraternity” release only – and this sentiment for a good enough reasoning. What good is it? I have already sold my $1.5-Million in SONY stock, instead have purchased EXXON stock, as I would rather place my trust in an oil company then an outfit that sees fit to broadcast stuff that may harm us – as revenge seeking is a rotten thing and this movie held a single intent, arouse the guy without an asshole who is known to seek revenge! So, the subject of “Assassination” finds no room in modern day society, for real or for a joke – it just doesn't find acceptance in a race climbing towards superiority, unless we have taken a turn for the worse, a rat's race I'm talking about. And our government is required to uphold bylaws that are continuously updated, and one in particular is backed by “Presidential Executive Orders” that specifically challenges any dereliction from the following “Public Law”: No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination. Joke or not, and each and every one of us passes the muster of “acting on behalf” as one's citizenship promotes that fact and that may indict us all as a nation under an accomplice to such. What I am getting at, if this movie provoked such an “Assassination” by the lunatic fringe, then we are at fault with the “abuse” element of that “Free Speech” right. But it was scheduled for its ”Opening” ceremony, on Christmas Day, wherein we could watch a bunch of stooges mark a stooge – Kim Dung, whatever the “turd's” name is. So, Uncle Sam may have seen or heard a little too much “chatter” for comfort. And with that has the duty to step up and step in, and in this sensitive case by a “Hail Mary” play that made it look like North Korea was behind the SONY “cyber-attack” that invaded the film maker's network. It was a do or they may die proposition, so do what was necessary to avoid the concequesnes and it appears as though the plan has worked, for now. Yes, the “Interview” has been canceled and my sentiment good riddance. But the entire baloney following is up in arms, that SONY has caved in to a terrorist's demands and many thinking it was a violation of “Free Speech”. Look, yes we enjoy the right to “Free Speech”, but to re-iterate read your damn constitution, as it specifically states something of interest maybe you are still not aware of: Freedom of Speech ~ Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. Get it yet, “Responsible for the abuse of that right”, does that tell you something, maybe not something found under the U.S. Constitution's demands, but a state's right be not forgotten. Yes, it trumps many things! And many states have such a “law” in effect. So, the fact that the airing of this film may have violated the “abuse” clause, the U.S. government was forced to take action – at the same time it did not want to arouse a citizens' distrust based on a “Right” being trampled upon. Now the fact that the FBI has confirmed that the “cyber-attack” on SONY was by North Korea, it is not true by any stretch of the “cyber” imagination. First and foremost, even the “cyber-viruses” designed 10-years ago had “code” that would eliminate all traces or finger-printing, by using the “bread crumb” theory. Yes, just throw crumbs down along the path, here and there and everywhere in between so you can find your way home. We all know how that story ended, with a S.O.S. distress call – we're lost! So even though the forensic evidence can lead an investigator back to Latitude~40N & Longitude~127E, it doesn't prove any guilt – as this finger-printing “sway” has become an all important facet of the “Cyber WAR MACHINE”, by purposely faking out the actual origin of the "attack". If our FBI has traced it back to North Korea, well whomever was behind it to begin with, they were good and North Korea is light-years behind the United States and Israel in the technologies that supports this modern day warfare of choice. So whomever was behind it planned for it to be generated out of a North Korea based server – or the “cyber” Command & Control post of choice – then “kill” the finger-prints beyond that, end of trail. Look, it can be accomplished from a living room – yes espionage dad causing harm across the globe as the family watches “Sound of Music”. The theater for this WAR, well it even includes outer space wherein satellites roam and cross the night time sky looking so peaceful – think again, it's a WAR MACHINE asset. Look, I can utilize a server in North Korea just by directing my data via some addressing, with a place holder then from that location cause havoc on my neighbor's computer. Then when it is traced backwards, low and behold the forensic brings it back to, well North Korea then from their it becomes a “Cold-Case”. Here's another thing to consider. If North Korea was behind it and some techie goofed and left something behind that allowed a tracing, I am sure that by now his head has been chopped away and is sitting on Kung Phooey's head dress! So we may never know where this attack upon SONY actually originated – yet the sophistication speaks onto itself, as it was a virus that originated from Operation Olympic Games. And even though the FBI has been able to assess that the SONY attack has been going on for 3-weeks, hey once a virus is embedded, it can start-me-up on many different trigger points – and the way these viruses work, it is transparent to the network and not even identifiable by the brightest IT specialists that SONY may have employed. It was most likely an “information gathering” virus designed by American ingenuity, and finds the definition of “Stealth”! And for another reason that should find your attention, you don't lob that kind of missile from your own back-yard, the reason today “Cyber War” can be broadcast from just about anywhere, including space. Elevated chatter from the underground is what caused Uncle Sam to come up with a game changing plan for Christmas day, and by “GUARD” it appears to have worked, by making SONY retreat. Had it not been scheduled for release at Christmas, as an attack on Obama's watch would have been his downfall – it would not have become such a big deal – but that was a crazed attempt in efforts for SONY to take advantage of movie goers in the “mood” - for an assassination comedy on Christmas day? Look, one individual I want nothing to do with on a day of peace is Cow Dung Chop Suey – whatever his name is I don't want to remember! And what went on behind the scenes by our security detail, it may be something out-of-sight and out-of-mind even with the president - and that seemed to be the case of what really went on when Obama gave a speech today, basically throwing it back in SONY's face, in efforts to thwart off any suspicions. According to reliable sources, the “cyber-attack” most likely took place from an unintended vehicle parked within close proximity to SONY studios, and it didn't have to be a manned station, just equipped with a cheap $200 dollar laptop with e-wire capabilities and downloaded with a copy of the “FLAME” virus developed by U.S. espionage contractors and named after Valarie Plame, the covert CIA agent working on the Iran nuclear bomb making ordeal. This was where we first tested the virus that would open up today's “cyber-espionage” capabilities, back then it was called “Stuxnet”, and worked rather well to dismantle Iran's nuclear bomb making dreams. Once the “Flame” was allowed access to the SONY network, by a simple task like an office worker plugging a “smart phone” into a desk top office computer for say, a battery refresher or picture downloads from the “Christmas“ party - hey, the “FLAME” was ignited and through “cross pollination” it was able to start collecting data and infecting other subordinate networks, didn't matter what kind of data, but anything that happened across the network through any of the many computers that had been “cross pollinated”. It is that simple. Now “FLAME” was developed as part of the U.S. government's “Operation Olympic Games”, as already mentioned a somewhat still secretive clandestine operation started by George W. Bush and continues to exist today under Obama. These “cyber-attack” viruses are unbelievable to what harm can be accomplished, either for destructive reasons or for espionage data collecting and equipped with an unbreakable “code” that makes tracking the origin – well it can't be traced. Now the “FLAME” was discovered back in 2010, but it is equipped with a “Kill” code, so if it is detected it goes into hibernation – basically “kills” itself and removes all traceability. It is that smart, even if you have it trapped – it finds “Freedom” and hasn't been seen on the “cyber-scene” since that time – when the “Kill” command was sent in efforts to hide its identity. So it appears it has surfaced again, maybe being used only when out of dire necessity – like in this case to attack SONY for gross misconduct and negligence which held the possibility of placing America in harms way – just for a cruddy movie! So maybe we should all just sit back, take a breather and realize why in hell would you waste money on any film that talks about a fruitcake – as we should just ignore him as he lives for the attention. So what that SONY is out estimates in the $100-million range, as IMAGINE what the price tag would have been had somebody infiltrated this nation on Christmas day, at a movie theater! So, thanks Obama, for doing what was necessary to protect the “Homeland”, and Merry Christmas to you and that lovely family. Go have fun in Hawaii, with the realization that we are safe, due your efforts even if it means taking drastic measures to protect us. Here's another thing to take into serious consideration the facts of this matter. If Fung Dung DooDoo was responsible for this attack, it would have only been possible and been successful with the “code” developed during the Operation "Oly”, it is that simple. North Korea doesn't have it, as if it did we would know about it and already commenced to cause havoc on that nation's existence. Even if North Korea had something close, say a rogue clone attempt to simulate the “FLAME”, it would not have been possible to launch an attack like this, not here in America – no matter what the experts are saying about SONY's computer network vulnerability. Not only have we devised “stealth” attack tools that can be used in the “Cyber Gulag”, we also have developed very good counter-measures, so this attack didn't come from a Dung Ho government and has another nation's handwriting of approval – in this case maybe for a very valid reason! Merry Christmas, what a relief....

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