Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rotten Peaches

From the crypt of Theodolite Stevens: OK, this is something that the voters of Alaska should find of interest – especially those individuals that cast a vote to castrate Mark Begich, including MoanaLisa MurCowpie's refusal to wipe her ass after shitting on Begich, and endorsing a pervert instead. For sure Mr. & Mrs. Alaskan that was your reasoning, just get rid of the “Bastard” – as it was nothing short a short-circuiting campaign based on party affiliation and a dream of “We're RED” – you hate liberals, come on now be not afraid and just let it out! In fact, if it pleases your passion, use the “N” word – “MARK NEGICH was a liberal bastard and I'm an Alaskan”! Look, you would have voted for Billy Brown to take over that senate seat, anything to end the liberalism! In fact, if Bill Sheffield was the in the running, you would have probably picked Casey Jones over the incumbent. And the golden rule went broken, shame on us, as incumbents have always reigned in Alaska's political “skeleton closet”, the reason we have a Madman Necrophiliac filling the other senate seat – sorry I meant Madame Nepotism, damn spell checker. And why do you think Don Young always gets another try at it, in the House? OK, not fair as Don does penetrate us with laughter, which s still the best medicine and still free under ObamaCare. It's funny when you “Google” MoanaLisa MurCowpie, or for that matter any member of the MurCowpie family! I just came across the time Moana's mom complained about the toilet seat in Governor Frank's “Private State Jet” that was too small and uncomfortable for her big ass and therefore we need to give Frank a break, as this jet was not all that great especially when trying to “crap” during takeoffs and landings! And after that correspondence to the media, when Frank's jet was used for its secondary mission - for prisoners going outside - well one big ass prisoner found the same problem, so shit on the seat instead! Sorry, but have we not put up with enough “dirty politics” here in the 49er? So “sidebar” don't you just love how your computer, your cell-phone, your smart phone have been taken over! Who designs this takeover? Look, to think your vote to ban Negich from Ted's Senate office was instead for Dan Sullivan to take up residency in that same office because you were not pleased with Negich's “Democracy” – it appears you don't keep track of who is doing good for Alaska regardless of party affiliation as it should not matter – with respect to Congressional decency – in which Negich did perform rather well. And with Sullivan stealing your voting right, it wasn't due his credibility or knowledge of how the “Beltway” encourages pillaging - the secret to how it works is not given away so freely. It must be earned! Something MoanaLisa MurCowpie still fails at today after way too many terms of endangerment but something Negich was quick to win. So, now that Negich is gone from the scene of the crime, his last vote kind of tells us there may have been a chip on his shoulder due the cold shoulder from the voter turnout results. Here are the numbers coming out of the “Budget” pie, indicating that MoanaLisa has no power or determination except continue to cheat her way through retirement. Really, the U.S. Taxpayers will pay for Michelle Blackman and MoanaLisa's retirement? That is sick, my hard earned money should not be wasted on such incompetency or pursuit of wickedness! Anyway, “5 PERCENT” is what we can thank MoanaLisa for, which means a strategically placed fart could have gotten more. Yes, Alaska will receive a measly $50-Million for the Fort Greely “Missie Defense Shield”, which amounts to peanut shell fragments in comparison to what Mr. Negich could have received – had he been re-elected. I guess castration is a two-way street. Of course in the last round of disgraceful applause he gave not a rat's ass about Alaska, and I cannot blame him as he was in actuality just another Ted Stevens, gaining popularity and power in such a short time, above and beyond what MoanaLisa has achieved - yet the voters thought differently and that enforces that age old saying, that the “Koch Brothers can fool most of the Alaskans when funny money runs wild”. Yes, Mr. Negich was close to finishing up a deal for, drum roll please, $1-Billion! Now with the smoke cleared away, we see how we were screwed over. And this is just the tip of the ice-berg! You thought Joe's ship “Hard Aground” was damaging, just wait to see how the military brass starts laughing at Alaska's aging military infrastructure – especially now that Negich is no longer a threat. It means “wrecking ball” time, at least the demolition workers will benefit! So here is how the secret of the “Beltway” really works when our delegation is asleep at the wheel house - Don Young's favorite napping place when not hunting for “Rabid Skunks - that means the project is DOA, for increasing the number of interceptor rockets stationed at the Delta Junction, all aboard? Now that $50-Million, due the existing contract language, that will be earmarked for Alaska yet will be consumed somewhere else outside – by the “Defense Contractor”, for campaign contributions to other senators that are looking after, you know what! Look, “Defense Contractors” try to operate in every state, to get a piece of the pie and when a Senator delivers, so does the campaign “War Chest” find new life. That's how it works. So, we actually receive “ZERO” with the “Budget” bill signed by Obama, with Ft. Greely. Now MoanaLisa MurCowpie is trying to talk it up as a big thing, when in reality, she failed – but what else is new! See, Begich was the “pusher-man” for “Military” spending in Alaska. Yes, even though I am against the “WAR MACHINE” wasting money when “Bridges to Somewhere” in the lower-48 are dissolving to rust, I see this as a win for the pacifists. In fact, Alaska may be the 1st state that finds no U.S. military presense in the future. Now that we see “Hazardous Air Quality” alerts day-in-day-out in Fairbanks and North Pole, damn Santa is coughing and so are the brass, time to shutdown Eielson again! Which is OK, as I would rather see an increase in the “Coast Guard” up north in Alaska and along the Bering Strait, especially with all the ice fading away. But with Mr. Negich gone bye-bye, so may be the push for more “Coasty” bucks, another thing the ousted senator was working so vigilantly on – said again on his own accord with no party lines attached, as MurCowpie and Young don't know how to play “Bipartisanship”. In all honesty, Mark Begich was a true blue Alaskan, who cared about his state and has the proof that shows what he stood for, stuff that was sheltered during the campaign, as it was dirty politics that allowed Sullivan to win a seat deserving of Begich again. Alaska will suffer “badly” his defeat! So Alaska could find it is not really a “Red State” but maybe as a “Pink State” wherein “Pacifism” trumps any intention for “Liberalism”. So if I were Mark, I'd be singing “Rotten Peaches”, as that may be all that is left for Alaska in Uncle Sam's Cornucopia!

And my home is ten thousand, ten thousand miles away
And I guess I won't see it no more
You'll pick rotten peaches for the rest of your life ~
Elton John

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