Friday, December 5, 2014


There's a documentary called “How Sex Sent Me To the ER”. And I guess couch potatoes have nothing better to do with time except wasting it, by watching people rushed off to an emergency room with an erection lasting longer then 4-hours! Look, eat an apple a day and you'll never have to waste hard earned loot on that erectile dysfunction junk – just for more “hard”. There is a reason the Creator designed the “Apple” and why “an apple a day keeps the Viagra away”. Yes instead of grandpa thinking “there's a little yellow pill” and grandma yelling out, “Doctor please, no more of these, outside the door, he took four more, what a drag it is getting old” ~ Rolling Stones coming of age! And with an apple habit, one doesn't have to worry about all the side effects for a fake Boehner obtained through pharmaceutical fertilization – like headaches, indigestion, back pain, front pain, nasal congestion, diarrhea, dizziness, muscle aches, flushing, loss of vision, loss of hearing and constipation. Question, can you have diarrhea and constipation at the same time? I think Congress has the asnswer, no not a trick question. Anyway, all those extra added benefit side effects sounds like a Jack the Ripper awakening – just for an erection? And how in hell can one enjoy sex if all those other bothers are a “bother”? But it's “Free Speech Reach” such melodramas, and this is America so do as you please in that pursuit to happiness. But for real, such shows find an advertizer then an audience? Time and money so wasted. So what am I to do about nothing – laugh it off some more as it is still the best medicine. Honestly, Americans are getting healthier, not from our diets but from the benefits of laughter still the best medicine and today heard from sea to shining sea - especially when Congress is in session. So please Mr. Congressman, come back to work! And the rest of the world laughs not only with us but at us, especially when they hear that Hillary Clinton wants to run for president, so the benefit of “Laughter” is extended around the globe. Yes, our society is spreading health around the globe, through laughter! Honestly, my contacts from abroad are always asking, “What do Americans see in Hillary Clinton”? NOTHING....but it's still funny and we laugh it off with a few beers. And even though the news' paper is almost a thing of the past with the Sir John Crapper society, how come the National Enquirer is gaining popularity – it's the ultimate comic book, about weird people and politics wherein defamation takes on another dimension. And it appears to be the best place to get the truth and filth about the Clintons! OK, two things so discust Americans today, the Clintons and Congress! Yes, if we can't get anything worthwhile out of our representation and since we still pay for their dereliction of conviction, may as well get something in return – laughter! Look, Congress has become a cast of clowns on a ship of fools. Can't beat them, laugh at them is my sentiment. And maybe this was part of Obama's “Health Care Plan”, the laughter we get from Congress and watching Hillary! Now that “Emergency Room Sex” show has found a sequel due out next spring, “How Sex Lost Me My Office”. And the cast finds familiar faces: Bill Clinton(sex with a Harmonica player named Monica), Trent Lott(sex with a chicken cock-a-doodle-do), John Edwards(sex with a Hillary blow up doll), Larry Craig(sex with a toilet seat), Mark Sanford(sex with a trail mix candy bar), Anthony Weiner(sex with a Twitter Twart)....the list goes on and by estimates from WickedMedia, this show will enjoy at least 7-seasons before running out of political fodder of well known sex offenders! And I am sure that when this “heat” takes off, due the fact it has an audience enough to tilt the scale, it will incite many other contenders with political aspirations to, well cheat just so they can get their 6.9-minutes claim to fame please vote for me and I promise to continue to entertain. So anyway, an apple and laughter finds the best of remedies, something this nation can be proud about – as we grow good apples and find our politicians without remorse providing more then enough stuff to laugh upon – it keeps the comedians gainfully employed. And with Viagra on the loose in Congress, it means look out for “priapism”, an erection that won't go away! In the meantime, we can get lazy in front of the Boob-Tube waiting for more laughs. And here is a secret. Rich people may have all the money we once earned and lost from our retirement accounts when the Wall Street hiest was allowed, but they don't know how to “LAUGH”! Maybe it is from too much “Botox” and the facial muscles no longer work. Honestly, when is the last time you witnessed Donald Trump laugh? They are so stool stuck in their “guarded estates” and controlling our net-worth, they can't let out a good roar or laughter and all their damn riches “Can't buy me laugh”! And until such time we are no longer free to exercise our right to “laugh” and then taxed through a fine for laughing, we still hold the mightier hand, and that may be beneficial for our health over our “dwindling” wealth. So, eat an apple and enjoy the times with a few laughs on the side, but please keep this a secret as when the clowns realize we are laughing at them, they will find a way to take it away instead of fixing the cause! Here's to your health....

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