Friday, December 5, 2014


A foreign company - Coohanluk, LDE - has applied for a license with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) to construct and operate a CP2 Class 900MWe nuclear power plant at Eielson Air Force Base. The generated output from redundant reactors could power the entire “Railbelt” through the existing state-wide-grid and meet the demand forecast through 2057 – for Fairbanks and Anchorage and everybody else in between! This base is an ideal candidate for a new power plant with an energy source that would contribute “zero” green house gas emissions defined as PM25 particulate matter, as it is already connected to the grid, is situated by rail service and is still considered a strategic military site - even though that could change, yet the sponsors of this project seem not to care as the demands for low-cost electricity are not only of interest to the military brass. And since it is still questionable whether or not a “North Slope” natural gas pipeline will ever be built to deliver cleaner energy, from what we have seen and heard so far it may not be a “cheaper” source. According to Mr. M. Ajor Mudd of Coohanluk, the power plant could be built sooner then a natural gas infrastructure project and require minimal modifications to homes in Fairbanks, as houses are already wired and “electric” heat would be a consideration over liquid fuel combustion type furnaces – also a source of pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated at 1/3rd the existing GVEA power costs, or about 5.13-cents. Please contact your representative asking for them to get involved in this project, especially getting our “Alaska Delegation” on board in efforts to streamline the permitting process. This is the best news Alaskans have heard in a long, long time with respect to a project that will finally lower the cost of living here. We have looked at natural gas, hydro, some wind, yet nothing has worked so from that stand-point this interest finds merit - it is what we need! And this project creates 10x as many jobs as does that gas pipeline dream, and localized jobs at that, something also in our favor! Wow, let's not give up hope that Coohanluk has it figured out.
 Picture of Nuclear Power Plant for Eielson Air Force Base
(Notice Alaskan poppy/wildflowers growing in profusion on runway)


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