Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jolly Good Fellow

From the bench of S. Pam McGee: Now that George W. Bush has been called out by Dick Cheney as an accomplice the enemy combatant detainees “Black Dungeon” torture rituals performed by Bush Family “Defense Contractors” impersonating CIA agents, what is George's take on “Torture”. How about a little tidbit of information that indicates what may have formulated George's romance for torture, learned when he was a child! Over at Yale, not far from the “Skull & Bones” crypt that holds the skull remains of Geronimo and Saddam Hussein, there is another “Closet” that holds some secrets, its called the “Delta Kappa Epsilon” fraternity, or “DEKE” for short. Now back in 1967, George W. Bush was the fraternity president. Did George attend classes, as he was also a member of the “Skull & Bones”? Anyway, as the president of the “DEKE” it was his job to perform “frat-branding”, wherein new fraternity members were, yes branded with a red-hot “DEKE” shaped prod and under oath the “fraternity” chant of "No means yes, yes means anal and my name is Jack. I'm a necrophiliac. I fuck dead women and fill them with my semen." I'm serious, this a Joke NOT! The objective of Delta Kappa Epsilon membership, “where the candidate most favored was he who combined in the most equal proportions the gentlemen, the scholar, and the jolly good fellow." was amongst other things, “the cultivation of respect for the Rights of others.” Of course notice the “He” and “Gentlemen” aspect, as “women” not included! “Rights of Others”? And get this, the “DEKE” fraternity has championed an organization called “Restore Our Associational Rights(ROAR)” which campaigns for the freedom of fraternities to operate without “interference” from university police. Which means it could get away with “Torture” on campus. As we start to once again dig into George W. Bush's “mission accomplished” mindset, I ask Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Bush, why in hell did you not warn us? Why in hell did not you have that son of yours committed? Now Bush never denied the branding, just shrugging it off as only a cigarette burn” and that “he was amazed that anyone was making a fuss about the branding, that at colleges in Texas they used cattle prods on pledges” and admant that such “jolly rancher good fellow” torture realized no scarring marks physically or mentally.'' When asked about this branding ritual position right before the 2001 Presidential debates, Bush responded by, ''I'm not going to talk about what I did as a child. It is irrelevant what I did 20 to 30 years ago.'' As a child, it was college! Bottom-line, this guy was a “reject” and we let down our guard and today we see wherein what he learned in college, not a gentlemen, not a scholar but a “jolly good fellow” is reflected in how we treat other humans, wherein Bush condones “Torture”, just like a fraternity initiation. Again I ask, why Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Bush did you not WARN America? In time, the history books will tell us the truth, that the Bush Family Dysentery Dynasty ruined our nation by cajoling us into believe an imbecile could lead us and protect us. Ever wonder why Jeb distances himself from the family?

Anybody concerened should send Mr. and Mrs. George H.W. Bush the following letter:
Dear Mr. And Mrs. H.W. Bush;
I know this may be hard to swallow, but why did you not “commit” your son George W. Bush to psychological evaluations and treatment before you let him loose to ruin our nation?
American John & Jane Doe 1 through Many.
PS. We know you will most likely coward up a response, as you must also be lost for words today that your son would continue on with college fraternity pranks, while bestowed the powers of the Commander-in-Chief, yet orchestrated “Fraternity like” initiation upon “Detainees” by shoving prunes up their assholes. But you are both aging and probably have not the stamina to try and teach son George any righteousness, maybe you tried when he was a child, it appears you failed miserably. But watch out for that DEKE necrophiliac, as when he comes to visit you in your grave, those footsteps 6-feet up, it may mean a conjugal visit. Mentally sick was your son and today we all pay for his evil ways! Maybe Jeb can try to fix things, bringing respect back to the “Oval Office”.
Send letters:
Property C/O Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Bush
5 Temple Street
Kennebunkport, Maine, 04046

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