Sunday, December 14, 2014


From the crypt of Theodolite Stevens: So nobody knows when or admits how the Dodd-Frank “Prohibition” exemption ending “Wall Street shall not gamble with our pensions” ended up in the House passed then Senate passed “Budget” bill? The measure in the bill that sent Elizabeth Warren through the Capitol dome roof – good thing all that scaffolding was still there to catch her in free-fall! What the hell is going on with the “Dome”, can't take that long to clear away pigeon shit. See, one of the side effects that a “Do Nothing Never Show & Tell” Congress finds is the fact that with the “Capitol” vacant 362-days a year, the pigeons had found a great nesting place, so the “dome” was getting covered with “crap”. Hey bird, now you know what it feels like being an American! Anyway, according to several security cameras located in secret yet revealing locations – OK, the tunnel between the House and “K” Street – a suspicious character was seen on the night of December 10th, carrying a large document to and fro. Yes, there exists secret tunnels between the Capitol and “K” Street, designed as a ways and means to shelter our representatives so they can move safely back and forth from there main job to their part-time duties – lobby takes a whole lot of time these days, the reason they are away from the Capitol - yes 362-days a year. OK, not fair as when not at the “House” they are back home schmozzing that so? How about snoozing! Now the person of interest that was recorded moving back and forth between the Capital and “K” Street had to have security access, as there exists many “unmanned” check-points along the way to ward off the unwanted, like the homeless and American citizens trying to find out what the hell is of so much interest over at “K” Street. What you mean Tom Delay still has an office over there - isn't he still in jail? But this “Person of Interest” was not readily identifiable, as he was wearing a hoody and charging down the corridors with his head held low, like a football player. Anyway, when security checked the computers, there was only one outstanding access card – signed out to Eric Cantor. Just in: Eric Cantor receives his probationary $3-million dollar signing bonus from Wall Street! Wow, so by Cantor still having access to Congress and using that covertly to ram-rod this Dodd-Frank prohibition down our throats - as he is now an enemy of the people through association with Wall Street - he has made more loot in 5-months time since he lost his vision due a Tea-Party mission. Recalculate, he has made more by “lobbying” for 1-month then his entire fortune amassed while a member of Congress - for his entire terms of endangerment culminating 14-years in office! Life after Congress, yes and very lucrative. See, the “Lobby” has become a necessity. We are all some how or another connected to some “lobby”, and it is supposed to work upon the “trickle down” theory, but damn if we are not facing another drought! Look, we can no longer fight it alone. The “Lobby” has become engraved in our political system like, as deep and thick as “Pigeon Shit” on the “Dome”. Here's the deal. We should raise the salary we pay our Congress to $1-million - no matter how much time is served - then upon taking that oath of conviction against eviction we get “representation” in return. Hey it is Who Wants To Be $MILLIONAIRE$” finding political meaning, as that appears to be the game today, it isn't for “Love of Country”! Why you laughing? Anyway, make them millionaires then make sure they pass “Tax Reform” that makes any income over a “$Million$”, well property of Uncle Sam - as nobody needs a single penny above that amount in efforts to enjoy that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness – it was supposed to be free anyway, yes freedom and representation was not supposed to ever be up for sale. See, at one time in history members of Congress received “zero” payment for serving as a representative and received a “Pub Tab” only as a stipend, as they did it truly out of “Love of Country”, truly a statesmen like attitude and a hangover to boot. So where in hell did “No Representation without Taxation” come into play, Americans must have been asleep! Anyway, if we placed a “TAX” on any income over a $Million$, we would maybe once again see the light at the end of that “K” Street tunnel, extinguished for good and the good of this country. But there exits a whole lot of other interesting things in this “Budget” that will go into effect on Monday, when Obama signs it off. Especially of interest is this, another 15% cut in funding for IRS enforcement. That makes it a 30% decrease ever since Ted Cruz was thrown out of Canada and received amnesty here, through immigration laws allowing us to receive citizens that have been tortured. See, it takes a whole lot of extra money to indict a big time tax cheater, those that owe the Treasury in excess of a $million$ in back taxes. For the little guy, it is chump change owed in overall back taxes in comparison and since the IRS gets graded on how many it embarrasses and not how much money it collects in fines, it is the little guy again targeted with a decrease in the “Budget”. So who in hell entered this into the equation? Go after the “Big Crooks”! Look, I know a CEO that pays “Zero” in Federal income taxes, as their entire life existence is buoyed by Heaven Offshore. Yes, there is preferential treatment, even with “Taxation” enforcement. It works like this. A rich person and many “Hard Toking Middle Class” fail to file tax returns – for some it is out of confusion for others it is in efforts to take advantage of an agency that is...sorry lost for words. Anyway, the poor hard working bastard pays taxes regardless of failing to file that yearly bother, as it is automatically taken out of his paycheck every week. With the rich, they devise a scheme wherein they pay nothing, as they don't receive an actual “paycheck” subject to IRS withholding obligations – they take company “draws” instead. Then when Uncle Sam finally shows up at the front door, both the rich bastard that paid “zero” tax and the welder get to come clean with what is called an “Offer in Compromise”, which basically allows the IRS to collect a small percentage of what is owed, in efforts to close each individual case as they don't want to spend a lifetime investigating - it's costly so opt to close things at a fraction of what is actually owed. So that “Offer” which basically “cleans the slate”, it is based on many things of interest. And if you have a powerful attorney, you could end up paying pennies on the dollar. For the rich guy, if for instance he used the “draw” tactic when in efforts it was actually a “paycheck” so his wife could BOTOX, if Joe hadn't paid taxes in 5-years, he may get off with an acceptable offer of $1-million. But had he been honest and followed the “Code”, he would have paid about $3-Million – remember he's an executive for a “Big Oil” service company. So this method of stalling, it saved the rich bastard $2-million, by cheating the system. And guess what, since there is very little repercussion, Joe starts it all over again, and maybe in another 5-years, he gets busted again. In the end, Joe pays about 5% in income taxes over his triumphant career. And we thought Romney was a crook! There are law firms that specialize only in this as a specialty! This is happening from sea to shining sea, the reason the IRS has been a little mild-mannered and lenient with the “Middle Class”, as they know what is going on with wealth is totally “Corrupt” - as the rich are getting away with robbery and using the 1040 file failure as a means to enrich themselves even more! Look, the entire tax system is broke. Let's face it with criticism, yet we refuse to fix it. Why so stubborn? Any fix would have to be equitable, a word our Congress refuses to acknowledge, especially when it comes to “Taxation”. So know we see even more cuts, and in time the rich bastards will once again worry not about paying their fair share, basically nothing out of their pockets to pave the same highways they use to get to their “Gated Retreats”! Well guess what caused this to become but another government agency blinded by the might? There is one particular group of individuals that have been on the IRS radar for years, it is Congress. See, the campaign contribution stuff is so damn convoluted, so damn confusing that of course it is abused. So by taking a stand to combat abuse in violation of the tax code, at one time Congress was targeted, as there is nothing more devastating to political aspirations then to be considered a “Tax Cheat”. But when members of Congress started feeling the heat wave, well low and behold we can fix that. Sure there came the attacks by denying future funding to the IRS for enforcement, but probably the biggest heist and political indecency cover-up came about during some covert operations in Alaska. Yes, some dearly beloved friend of Ted Stevens - and at this time the most powerful U.S. Senator ever of record - with access to government infrastructure that allowed breaching the security of the IRS, well it was easy to amend a politicians returns, erase things, purge things – get it! Why in hell do you think there came so many IRS agents when Ted's house in Girdwood was raided? Sure it is well known in the confidential ranks of what went on at the IRS building in Anchorage, owned by Bill Allen – the VECO headquarters was where the IRS did business – but it was an unsecured location to Bill's back door magic wand. This happened, on Ted's watch and he was taken down for..well now that the smoke has cleared and Ted is 6-feet under, the reason he was taken down. Bill was getting ready to blow the whistle, he did, and one thing Uncle Sam did not want to admit was such a breach, as it undermined the entire system of checks and balances. Nobody knows exactly how many “politician” tax problems were erased with this operation. We may never know. But when you throw a few Bimbo's in front of a computer that has access to U.S. Taxpayers' information, and an erase key, maybe some booze to bat and party time with Bill's desire to entertain “Little Girls”, it could be widespread, no not the Bimbo's legs, but the IRS breach that allowed a political adjustment. And here's the thing you may not understand. Some tax returns were given a death wish, basically a security code that closed the file and too this day cannot be broken. Look, this was shoved under the rug, as it had repercussions beyond explanation. It was conveniently put to rest, time to move on let's not alarm the citizens. Same old bullshit today it appears, as it works as a great cover-up, afraid to do anything that may upset...let's just forget about it and move on. Anyway, this is wherein we find distrust in those that may be trying to perform, according to the “Law”. They try their best to uphold a system of merit, but when arm twisting comes from the political circus – hey we are talking an entity that makes the Cosa Nostradam tame in comparison!

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