Thursday, November 27, 2014

Plymouth Rock

When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock many harvest moons ago, they were hungry and tired after such a long journey away from home abandoned – in efforts to look for a “New Home”, a rock upon which they could build their future without the annoyance of church separation philosophies. But even back then there was heard the serene calling, maybe from “Sedna” the Goddess of the sea lending guidance, “Send me your tired and hungry”. And this doomed voyage came to rest upon Plymouth Rock. Yes doomed, because the ship had run out of food! Soon, with help from the Native American shareholders, the pilgrim children were fed away from famish and today we find “This America”, and it is from that lesson we have before us Thanksgiving Day – wherein we celebrate our “Natives Americans” their thoughtfulness in fighting what was this nation's first recording of “White Man Hunger”, on a continent that was even back then a monumental awesomeness of “Food”! It was the “Breadbasket” of the earth, even before industrialized cultivation – by a civilization that “Cared” about fellow men and women, of a different skin color impoverished by their ideologies with respect to “governance” so abandoned to start a new life. IMAGINE, if prejudice was a sin of the “Native Americans” back then, we would not be in celebration of this day. We have a lot to give and praise thanks upon, but did we turn our backs on that “Good Samaritan” stance? And is it starting to bite us in the place that counts – causing us to finally realize what we really accomplished back then, to befriend a culture then abandoned them when things went better off, an abandonment just like is occurring today but on a much larger scale then way back when? Has America become the “Rock of Ages that of Hunger & Despair”? This year, “Our One Nation Under Guard” came in line with Argentina and Jordon, with respect to percentile of those going hungry – or as it is called “Food Insecure”! Yes, from 2013 our “Country 'Tis of Thee” jumped 8% points on the scale of increased poverty wherein going hungry is starting to trend beyond the pandemic stage. Yes “pandemic”, defined as greater than ¼ the population being so affected. Hunger, here in the “Homeland”? WTF, WTF, WTF again! Right here in “Old Glory”, 24% our neighbors and their kids going hungry, on “OUR” watch. Something to ponder today this 2014 Thanksgiving Day. Yes, it is a sin - a mortal sin at that in which we are all guilty by association our “government” through taxation misappropriated, wherein we are all accomplices to this crime spree, as there is no damn excuse as we have the knowhow to produce and can transport enormous food staples from sea to shining sea. Hunger in America is so wrong. Many nations that are not yet “industrialized” like the U.S. and finding statistics ugly, like Argentina and Jordan which we now find our nation in comparison, it is usually a struggle by corrupt government that sets the stage for “poverty” and going hungry. Keeping the population under-nourished, there will never occur a coup as the strength to fight the corruption is never a reality. When the body is weak, so is the soul and so the foe continues to rule. And that trend here in the “Homeland” towards a class finding “Food Insecurity” as a normal course of events seems to be picking up a familiar face at a mind boggling pace, continuing on its “Dead-end” no turning back stage of 8% again, this year, next year, where will it end? Face the Nation, starvation hits America! So today we are at 24% wherein many of our brothers and sisters are screaming out loud, “My belly full but me hungry”, based on an impoverished mindset disrespect one another by those with too much to handle, millions in disposable income yet we are a dying nation. When you stop feeding, you fail! Next year this time unless something changes – like taxing the rich people with retroactive fines for not giving their fare share – we will see 32% of U.S. citizens living in poverty. When I went to the market this week, which I like to visit each day instead of stocking up due the fact it gives me time to respect those that work the food chain – from the migrant worker to the truck drivers to the cashiers none of the above getting rich their daily duties, all just merely salt-of-this-earth hard working individuals – this poverty realization hit hard. As I could see it in the sad sack faces of many of my fellow Americans shopping, not just a “fill the basket” free-for-all, but people thinking very hard, looking at the prices, with a waiting line at the “reduced” counter. It was sickening to say the least. And when I volunteered to add $10-bucks to my bill to feed a family on Thanksgiving, wow, you could tell by the sincere gratitude the checker that this means a whole lot. They see it all the time, moms with kids buying a can of soup, a $1.29 expenditure and pocket change for many of us so fortunate to be not covered by the umbrella of poverty, but for these down and out “neighbors” it takes 3-credit cards to make a simple soup kitchen purchase, as people are maxed out – the kids hungry! Honestly, a mom had too use 3-different cards to buy a can of soup! When we here in America must use a credit card for food, we are doomed as a society that cares – what America was originally built upon, “Brotherly Love” is what I learned when I was growing up. This is what our parents taught us, those that had endured the “real” wars, but due fighting for their country realized we must make it right in the “Homeland” or else. We have come to that “or else”, where do we turn – we must start today taxing the life out of the wealthy as they are running the life out of America. Does Mitt Romney need a $10-million dollar “Vacation House”? So what he was fortunate enough to be successful, but does that mean such success allows for many to turn their heads those not so “Lucky”? If your answer is YES, please walk the plank with your full stomach of caviar and trunks of treasures, as that will sink you quicker. So, since I am still fortunate to not have to worry about a roof over my head or complain “My belly full but me hungry”, I give. And it makes me sad that today, AMERICA has such pathetic statistics when it comes to feeding our own. We would rather spend $trillions$ feeding the WAR MACHINE then feeding our brothers & sisters! This is not what the Mighty Constitution recommends. But where in hell are the oath takers that are supposed to be on watch on the helm? That is doom, as when our Congress can leave that job and be smiling today in celebration this day something is constructively wrong, when they should be in realization that this day has changed and they are to blame, denial is a bad disposition. Look, we are know compared to Argentina and Jordon, two very poor countries with a very poor record of feeding its people. So even though I am not rich, I did give in, out of the goodness of my stomach. But to be honest cannot stomach what is going on today, on this Thanksgiving day 2014, that the neighbor's kids may be asking daddy for something to eat, but the cupboard is empty and the bank account is dry because we have become the Greediest bastard civilization ever of record – and when Humpty Dumpty has his great fall, all the Thug's horses and all the Thug's men will sit around chewing the fat being content – just like our Congress, out-of-site and out-of-mind. As “Our” government through Congress has become a “Royalty Republic”, the reason Plymouth Rock became a refuge to those with Hope. Poverty, coming to a neighborhood near you, unless you are gated away from caring or realizing this problem and its magnitude. Here it is, the wealthy are trying to starve us out, not to death, but keeping us in poverty as a way to control us, as without us at their disposal their wealth means nothing – that is what is truly behind the 1% take over. Hungry? Best get used to it or rebel now, we must tax the wealthy, else risk becoming “slaves” wherein their pets will be better off then the populace – and that is already occurring today, pampered pets, better off then 24% of the populace! And we clean up the dog shit....

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