Sunday, November 30, 2014

Free Speech

If Hillary Clinton can demand $300000 for a twenty-minute diarrhea of the mouth speech at a “Public Institute of Higher Learning”, what in hell happened to “Free Speech” and what in hell are we teaching our college bound youth? How bad is it you ask, that amounts to about a $Million$ bucks an hour – compare that with your wage! How many scholarships does such ransom amount to? She should know better, she does know better but subscribes to a creep show following that should have learned by now to not fall prey once again to this troubled woman's pranks! Her middle name finds appropriate that of “April Fools”! Look, some assume those on the “Left” are free-thinkers over the “Right”, but in the intelligence category I am beginning to wonder, give it up with Hillary. We can chastise the 2nd Amendment, when at the same time the dysentery dynasty of the Clinton's tears away at out liberty, by abuse upon the “Right to be Heard”, in their case at a very handsome price tag. The Clintons are in it for no apparent reason then “POWER” which requires “wealth”, and the more power they steal away for their own selfish “legacy” the less you have in efforts at that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Realize this, the Clinton clan will go down as a couple amassing more money after the fact government servants then any other couple in the same category, a pimp and a 1st Lady. The Clintons were broke upon abandoning the White House, only one child, yet today they are worth as much as Nancy Pelosi – over $100-Million. And even though when “poor” while at the “Oval Office”, both Bill and April were all for limitations on sheltering wealth in the form of real estate trusts – yet they have just filed for protection under this loop hole, so their daughter Chelsea can be part of that 1%. Two faced finds new meaning with the Clintons. Honestly, anybody of sound mind and will entertaining Hillary for anything other then a circus clown, what the hell is wrong with you? Wealth hoarders, when there is only so much freedom to go around these days, as it is no longer free! Why cannot retired presidents be like Jimmy Carter? Instead of abandoning the philosophy maintained while in office, write a sex novel if retirement is boring. Yes yuck, $300k to hear a babbling idiot hide the truth about this and the truth about that. Slander and defamation you think? Good, for if the Clinton clan takes me to court, at least we will get the truth finally of what kind of sex Bill enjoyed with Monica and maybe when Hillary is called to testify find out her true feeling about spousal abuse, as a denier which supports even more this atrocity, or scared to act. What a message to send, what a role model Hillary is, and testament that she never listened to what John Lennon preached, that “Woman is the nigger of the world” and continues to be abused. Why in hell did she stick with him, “Stand By Your Man”? So yes, I can take this opportunity to ridicule the Clintons, hoping to get my day in court, for “AMERICANS” – as we were never provided the truth, except denial and today we see what happens when “women” are scared to speak their peace. Look, even though Bill is out of office, we can still try him for “lying” under oath as the crime aspect never goes away and finds no statute of limitations. If not an indictment by a competent court having jurisdiction, then through a “We the People” Kangaroo Court of appeals. We are getting so dangerously complacent and letting the important things slide, we need to take action in efforts to fix things! Look, had Bill been honest with America, instead of trying to hide the truth, yes he would have been impeached but at least that would have sent him to retirement, hopefully with Hillary in tow and a lessons learned for those seeking that office. Had Bill been honest and maintained the integrity of that office, maybe George W. would have been more responsible the power of that office and made better decisions. But that office became a joke under Bill Clinton, a precedence set liars haven, so when “Dubya” moved in it was like being back at the “Skull & Bones” fraternity, with no responsibilities and “Crooking” was OK – just like them days back at Yale. Bill Clinton ruined that office, and finally we are seeing some semblance of taking it back, with Obama at the helm, but it appears we cannot stand a man of such statute – like we are not used to it! Kids have grown up witnessing nothing but corruption in that office – 8-years with Bill and 8-years with George! Now had Hillary taken the stand to uphold women’s rights, and thrown Bill out, she would have enjoyed much more credibility along with notoriety and maybe still a consideration for a powerful position in government. But she hid behind the veil of “spousal abuse”, yes domestic violence of the mind. She is no longer fit to be in consideration for a U.S. President. Dear American, pinch yourself, pinch again, until the pain of that pinch makes sense this nonsense entertaining a Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate to run this nation – and that “pinch” should at least reveal the fact that Hillary is the most abused spouse in America – still today! It doesn't go away, it forever kills the will! Look, Bill cheated on Hillary and she turned a blind-eye, which condones such filth. She had a duty, not to Bill but to America. Sad, that she bent over due her political aspirations and what appears today her wealth aspirations. We must put aside our fascinations that she could ever be fit for such duty, as when we even begin to entertain a Hillary Clinton presidency, we are showing our true weakness. Remember, Bill lied under oath. Remember, Bill cheated on Hillary, in the Oval Office – the very same office she wants control over. In fact, any person of voting age that casts a vote for Hillary should be “fined”, as to lend support one who is abused and is afraid to speak up, that casts doubt on any credibility and is an abuse of that “vote” – as it is mind control Hillary practices upon her followers. Mind Control is a vicious snake. Please vote the “UTILITY PARTY” in 2016 – UP-ROAR is the slogan, UTILITY PARTY – Reaching Out, the American Revival. Yes, no more Bush, no more Clintons, just Real Americans taking back what we have lost during the Clinton and Bush dysentery dynasties. And for those still wondering, here is what John Lennon said about the Hillary's of today:

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about something about it

We make her paint her face and dance
If she won't be a slave, we say that she don't love us
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
While putting her down, we pretend that she's above us

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave of the slaves
Ah, yeah...better scream about it

We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah...alright...hit it!

We insult her every day on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she's young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...if you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is...if you believe me, you better scream about it

We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance

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