Thursday, October 2, 2014


Wow, the phones were off the hook today at the United States Congress' Secret Stock Exchange! Yes, by the closing bell on Wall Street, 98% of Congressional members now own 98% of the stock in the company that invented zMAPP – the experimental EBOLA drug that was developed with U.S. Taxpayers' loot through the Defense Department! This is something we can thank Eric Cantor for, this preferential stock option treatment afforded members of Congress only. See, when it was discovered that members of Congress – except Alaska's Don Young – were making a killing with insider trading, when it was decided that members should be under the same disclosure rules and regulations as corporate CEOs, little runt Cantor would not allow any bill to pass that would reign in this abusive process of being in the know for the dough! That insider trading is still allowed, today. So don't say we have a “Do Nothing Congress”, as they sure have not a problem with deception. Yes, and we are led to believe and think that Corporate America CEOs are corrupt, guess who trumps them in that category? Look, insider trading by a CEO will get the attention of the SEC police – an indictment means jail time. But since “Congress” finds immunity even rape, there was no way to pass a bill that limited a member's gambling habits as Cantor thought it could have repercussions and continue to erode away that “sovereign immunity” clause provided by virtue lying under oath. The swearing in process, the one we think means honesty is the best policy. And the trickle down “immunity” theory worked the same for Congressional aides, no fear behind a corrupt cheer! Hey, if the boss is corrupt and making boatloads of loot, it must be OK. Our very own Congress, getting away with actions that would send business leaders to jail with stiff fines, off the hook. And today, still today, Congressional insider trading makes Return-On-Investments greater then 50%! Imagine if your 401k doubled in a year's time – just like Nancy Pelosi's wealth, seeing a 62% increase this year alone wherein she now claims a net-worth of $100-Million. She is merely a member of Congress, the only job she ever held – something wrong with this picture, of course there is. It's called grand theft larceny. How much do you think you'll make in a lifetime? So today, since members of Congress know what things are before the FDA and FCC and FAA for approval, what patents are up for review, what kind of defense appropriations will be approved, well they have the power to make or break a deal and with that said know what will fail and what will blossom into that “Pot of Gold” with respect to “stocks”. And before such deal making, buy a little stock. May as well let your spouse in on the deal, your children, your dog and best tell your friends, tell your office aides how you may vote on certain stuff and everybody makes out like a bandit – except? Those of us that continue to foot the bill for incompetency, dereliction of duty, perversion and pilferage. So, there are a few in Congress that do not attempt to benefit from this ransacking, like already mentioned one in particular is Don Young – the poorest member of Congress – too bad he alienated himself against the “Rabid Skunk”, should have taken a few lessons on how to become rich before you leave office! And I would say Bernie Sanders is not one to take advantage of such opportunities, wherein oversight affiliation by virtue of being in Congress should be reason enough to recuse oneself away from any advantage taking. So even when corruption is pointed out and practiced by members of Congress, there is nothing done except a lame excuse there is nothing that can be done. But Bernie is the one we need to elect in efforts long overdue to fix this constipation of corruption. He has no intention of seeking more then a single term as our next United States President, just give him a one chance time to make things right – and we best start building a detention center right now, as it will fill up fast when Bernie gets hold of the gavel! In the meantime, I would bet that right now Congress is making sure there is enough EBOLA zMAPP shots available, for themselves, family and pets – just so they can stay healthy to spend all that loot – while the huddled masses retreat to neighborhood Ebola colonies, or whatever may be left behind when it is all said and done! Pathetic, that we must now look to elect a Democratic Socialist to fix what alienates this once great nation through inept members of a corrupt and “Do Nothing” Congress. Bernie understands, without a doubt or reason to hide behind that his political thought process is different, goes against the grain of a Democracy under a Republic, but we need it fixed by anybody that wants the challenge to fix it right – and I see no interest on either side of that isle left or right that gives a hoot – just too busy making loot. What the hell has happened – I guess it is really a “WALL” we are up against. “Up against the wall Mother Fletcher”? “Mr. Congress, tear down that wall” rings loud and clear today, not over there, but right here in the”Homeland”.

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