Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Last Guy...

"Don’t you ever touch me. Don’t ever touch me. The last guy who touched me ended up on the ground dead" – Don Young, incumbent U.S. Congressmen from Alaska. Threats to a TSA agent? Actually, this was Don's opening statement to his challenger Forrest Dunbar during debates the other day. “On the ground dead” has aroused many a curiosity. So everybody is running around like a turkey ready to be butchered at a Sarah Palin valley rally, asking “Is there a Dead Guy”? Because when Don was asked about the comment, he responded, “There's some truth to that”. There came no denying that fact and Don, who never misses an opportunity to get even with a reporter bolted away from offering any other details, which arouses even more suspicion. This “some truth” is raising even more debate – as this may disallow taking the 5th if it is more then just an aggressive mood opportunity ha-ha I gotcha. Look, Don is the angriest member of Congress, for reasons other then he is the poorest after some 47-years in the “House” and will retire NOT a wealthy man. In fact, with his legal bills, he may end up a permanent resident at the Brother Francis Shelter or a preacher with the ABT – free room & board. In any event, something is bothering this man, and he should be happy as he was most recently remarried by Jerry Prevo and is said to be the last couple to receive a marriage certificate from the State of Alaska before same-sex marriages were allowed through a “Supreme Court” ruling. So, does Don have blood of a dead man on his hands? Of course this be the case, and it's Ted Stevens' blood! The reason for the “Some Truth”, as Don wasn't directly involved but may be an accomplice behind the tragic plane accident that ended Ted's life. Conspiracy? Maybe, but the few and far facts surrounding that accident and the quickness upon which the NTSB chose to close the case – with an undetermined cause – well there must be an underlying story and maybe Don is beginning to spill the beans. The pilot was poisoned or drugged to loose consciousness in a place that would allow a cover-up, in a plane owned by another accomplice involved, or who was summoned to help get rid of the evidence – Ted! I have researched a plausible theory, because I was provided some information that may provide the evidence that Ted was targeted for stumbling upon a cover-up political in nature. And I know some of the past along with knowledge of the characters involved, that which in combination provides credibility that there is something genuine with Don's attitude in tune to a cover-up – he may be keeping it held tightly inside and such harboring may be slowly killing him. He may not have been directly involved, but may have known about it and may have used it to another's advantage – a one phone call away “Help Me Don”! The plane accident, it was so convenient a cover-up, to get rid of Ted. See, Ted may have held secret the goods on Don, had the goods on many politicians for things that occurred on Ted's watch but due “bureaucratic camouflage” went under the g-man microscope - things that would blow your mind and if discovered have devastating effects on the basic foundation of this nation – called taxation. If that system is proved to be vulnerable to manipulation, it basically falls prey to destruction and may have found its time wherein it must be abolished and efforts ignited to come up with a new system – as taxation is necessary, but it must be equitable and without manipulation. Once the latter takes over, it is doomed and must be destroyed for a new chance. And we as a nation want a new system, so maybe the time is ripe to uncover what is bothering Don as it could be the precipice to make that change. It is the single most fundamental attribute of this “Union”, that must remain neutral, else we have testament to the worst of nightmares – that of a class system so exists, that is so denied an existence by virtue the equality clause in the U.S. Constitution. Sure there can be loopholes and ways to shelter assets away from taxation, but these things are usually temporary, until such time Congress realizes it was a change due favoritism and must be amended. But if something is done through favoritism from a back-door breach, there is no excuse and it dooms the system. It is very difficult in today's political circus for the g-men to perform their duties, just a system that caters to injustice over justice be served. And Congress is very good at squashing things, by using scare tactics and threats, so many are afraid of performing their oversight responsibilities. And sometimes things are discovered that should remain secret, as the government must weigh the ramifications – the case maybe herein this theory. I have reason to believe that the g-men were moving closer, but saw where it may be going, so called off the posse and hounds. Yes, Ted was arrogant, but he was truly “ethical” and a genuine “American” that was a “no holds barred” type of guy that stood for Alaska without even the slightest of derelictions, as this was his conviction. And Ted despised dishonest behavior! Towards the end, Stevens was basically a casualty of “entrapment”, not by John Lawman, but by a few he thought were friends that were part of a conspiracy, that may have gotten out of control – involving IRS tax returns. This was orchestrated by a few in the know, that were allowed access to perform such manipulations, until Ted found out about it – as when I was made aware of it, I asked Ted to look into it. Which he did, but warned me to stay clear of it. Even today, I don't know if that was an across the bow warning shot or a threat. But he was concerned and I knew he would take care of it, as this was the kind of thing he despised above all as it gave Congress and politics in general a bad name. Yes, this manipulation involved individual tax returns along with corporate returns, manipulated for purposes consistent with political aspirations, and Young may have been aware of it. But with Don's inkling toward a Tea-Party mentality of “less government”, there could have existed a “who gives a rat's ass about the IRS” attitude, that the system had been breached, especially if that breach helped friends in need. Ted on the other hand enjoyed “more government”, as long as there came a neutrality wherein government didn't find it over-stepping in a way that curtailed growth. Let's face the facts, the hand that feeds....So there is enough evidence that something not right was going on, Ted found out about it then may have started asking questions. And its discovery started efforts for another plot, another conspiracy, to get rid of Ted. The plot involved using Bill Allen, Ted's friend turned foe. See, Allen was aware of this plot but was now trying his best to ruin Ted, as others wanted a cover-up to cover-up the scandal and the only way to silence Ted was to attack his credibility. Plus, Allen was so vulnerable for crimes beyond illegal campaign contributions and bribery, if caught involved in this IRS scam. Why do you think the IRS arrived in droves down at Ted's retreat in Girdwood? Somebody was on too something – who would be the fall guy? And the g-men were making headway into discovering this manipulation that was taking place at an IRS office in Alaska – yes at Bill Allen's VECO building. See, Ted was wanting to build new offices for all of the Fed.'s that had business in Alaska, as he had the stroke to get the money needed to construct such new infrastructure – like the airport, FBI, BLM, museum and many other buildings under Federal jurisdiction. It was good for Alaska, as it allowed for a spiffy looking city and created jobs. It was also great propaganda that tourists could acknowledge, that money sent here was used for good things – the taxpayers' money at work! So new construction went on for years, it seemed every summer would find a construction zone for a new home for those working for the government. Except for building a new IRS building of its own, with security on its own. For years, the main IRS building was leased from Bill Allen, not a separate building but an office that shared Allen's VECO firm. It was a place that lacked security. It was an old building, built in 1976 when security was not a requirement. Yes, the IRS office in Anchorage had back doors! So, this allowed the manipulation to go on, and today we may have before us the biggest compromise ever, wherein tax returns were manipulated, for political reasons. Look, the worst thing a politician can endure is a tax record tarnish – so conveniently have Bimbo wash it away, on weekends by using a back-door entry! This happened, I have the proof but will not provide the details due exercising my 5th Amendment rights! And there exists other evidnce that points to this manipulation or something rotten taking place. Look, a VECO office building that may have been used to perform these manipulations was found up on the North Slope, after it was wrongly moved in a convoy along with other oil field service equipment – remember this was VECO's main headquarters. When it was discovered that a portable VECO office containing confidential “Taxpayer” information was on the “slope”, it disappeared like overnight! Yes, a portable office used at construction sites filled with tax returns, with scribble marks all over! I saw it, I saw the returns of politicians! But something was going down, as not just anybody can drive to the “slope” and get access to someone else's property? Unless, yes VECO! So more evidence found the disappearing act still works. Then something went wrong, as Ted was now aware of it and this kind of back-door stuff would not sit well with a “Statesman” like Ted. And maybe Don was not going to let Ted bring him down – so yes, Ted did touch Don, in a different perspective and Ted is today 6-feet under. Had Ted still been alive, he would have been a hero for what he was about to release, but instead, found trumped up charges that were prefabricated by Bill Allen – maybe at Don's or others' direction? Again, we have no idea as too what politicians may have taken advantage of this scam, not just those from Alaska, but nation wide – wherein records were manipulated then true documents purged for amended documents – all with the stamp of approval. When one looks at the wealth in Congress, and how the IRS was starting to come down on “scams”, it wouldn't surprise me that a little breach way up in Alaska turned into a circus. Why do you think Don is in such a crappy mood, as he had to throw Ted under the bus, to cover his own ass! Someday, the truth will come front and center and exonerate Ted. Maybe it will come forward in the form of a “Conspiracy” documentary, but it is due Ted in any form as his life was cut short for trying to be honest. I am sure that he wrestled with the ugly prospect of blowing the whistle on friends and colleagues – but Ted would do what was right, regardless and today all we have are memories of a crooked politician. That was not the case! But until such time, all we have is a song for the monster, who I believe is harboring guilt, a song for Young Frankenstein:

Dream all you want my darling
Of every lustful situation
Those naughty thoughts
Are fine with me
As long as they
Stay locked away
In your imagination

You can hug me til I scream
If it's only in a dream
But please don't touch me
You can feel me til I squeal
Just as long as it's not real
But please don't touch me

You can stick me
You can lick me
You can pinch me til I'm blue
You can bite me
And delight me til I'm blind
You can savage me
And ravage me
I care not what you do
If the lovely filthy things you do
Are only in your mind

You can spank me til I'm red
If it's only in your head
But please don't touch me
You can have me don't you see
If it's just a fantasy
But please don't touch me

Lyrics courtesy “Young Frankenstein” musical

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