Sunday, October 19, 2014

Price of Beans

One would think that with all the “Think Tanks” employing staff that cannot find or refuse to find gainful employment, that at least for a wage and a place to hang out from inclement weather, they would get something right! Honestly, there is life after working the McCain & Palin ticket, as a “Thinker”, what the freak did I get myself into? Anyway, I am really interested in talking about the recent decline in oil prices which is having a staggering fallout effort at the gas pumps – which allows me cost savings that now permits abandoning the Budweiser, for some decent suds! That's is my economic qualifier, as when my wallet is padded with more disposable loot, it means decent suds – when in a collapse mode, it means piss-ant beer! I learned this economic appraisal theory as a kid and it seems to still work as the bellwether of approval, except back then Bud was the winner over Pabst! Upward mobility some call it. See, nobody seems to understand why all of a sudden like over-night the price of a barrel of oil is collapsing? I laugh when I hear the term “dirty” oil, who in hell coined this ridiculousness. I've been around oil all my life, it smells so sweet but it's all dirty, as it comes out of a hole in the ground! Yes, oil prices cratering, from over a hundred bucks a barrel to $80 and predictions that it will continue to fall. And America has started to export crude oil, as the nation is in a glut! We can blame the glut on Obama because he made it so difficult for the wildcatters to spud a well. Yes, only allowing a single permit all this time in office. What, sorry Obama signed a permit for a nuclear plant, 1st such approval in over 30-years, when Reagan was at the helm and more wells have been drilled with success then ever before under Obama – the reason for the “glut”! But the price for oil, no matter what the authoritative “Think Tanks” may lead you to believe, it's not collapsing, but “price control” returning to its rightful owner I am talking about. See, oil companies hate to be abused, through manipulation as for a long, long time it was the other way around. Oil controlled it, from the wellhead through the refinery to the gas pump, with no outside interference. But when Wall Street brats were caught with the “Joker” hand in the housing market sting, they resorted to other lucrative manipulative scams, so they could continue to reap the benefits of doing nothing accept causing trouble with our economy and buying expensive wristwatches. Anyway, oil soon found itself a victim of the “speculative” markets, making Wall Street money based on something “speculative” which finds as a definition: Congress is AWOL. So it came to be a way to frighten the market, and the fallout was a means to make money for the middle man – through gambling and manipulating in the “Game of Thugs”. And that manipulation made $millions$ for these gamblers, the money needed in efforts to guench that “Don Perignon” thirst made through artificial price increases which we paid for – wherein enormous profits were had, which did not include the oil companies themselves. So oilmen went pissed and started trying to find out ways to gain back control, and this is what we see happening today, gaining back control. It's complicated, and just because the price of oil was upwards a hundred dollars a barrel, it doesn't necessarily mean the oil companies benefited, as when the price escalates by virtue of the entire supply and demand chain of events, there comes a point of diminishing returns wherein the cost of doing business is bothered, just what happened in the oil sector – which affects all sectors of energy and has devastating effects upon the economy. So with that said, there came a point wherein even though the price of oil was at an all time high and going higher each and everyday by the closing bell, while under manipulation it hurt the oil companies and due the increases many projects were placed on hold. What was happening didn't fit the “Model” which has been used for eons, so somebody else had their “mitt romney's” in the cookie jar. Even though an oil producer may own its own refineries and gas stations, it doesn't matter, as the refinery still must pay the going rate for oil, even if the cost finds a Wall Street manipulation fine of $40 bucks – due “speculation”, or as already eluded to, “Congress AWOL”. So for every barrel of oil that has been sold the past few years, Wall Street has been raking in a huge profit margin through speculation, and the oil companies have not been on the receiving end of this lucrative scam. Basically, with the magic wand of greed, the Wall Street created another bubble for itself and finally, the oil companies have fought back and are starting to regain control. For the “Big Oil”, anything over $58 dollars a barrel hurts the oil company's portfolio, which includes a very complicated formula from costs of operations to investment interest, for big ticket items to keep America energized. So they have been doing everything they can to gain back control so the prices can return to normal, or within their “Model” forecasts. Look, oil companies like to make a profit, but it is Wall Street on steroids that likes to make a killing. Prudent businessmen like a respectable profit, but not a killing, as over indulgence can ruin the business as there is a fine line between what the public will accept before boycotting. So kudos to oil, for seeing into their best interest which appears to be our best interest also. But leave it to Wall Street, wanting to make a profit without doing any work, sounds a whole lot like Congress! In fact, “Big Oil” wanted this “manipulation” investigated by Congress, and it was found that indeed Wall Street was in control, through oil commodity speculation and there came several debates on the House and Senate floors, to make laws preventing Wall Street from getting away with what was basically manipulation and a violation of Anti-Trust laws. If the oil companies performed the same “manipulation through speculation” it would be a violation, just like what happened to Standard Oil! But with an AWOL Congress and Eric Cantor then a whore to the “Street Pimps”, nothing came about to protect the American interests. So for the past few years we have been paying Wall Street, for almost half of what it actually costs to get gasoline in our tanks. So when “Big Oil” saw that Congress was not interested in helping out the American citizens, they decided to do it on their own, through the good old theory of supply and demand, by over-producing - which is causing a glut which is causing the price of oil to return back to normalcy. So we may see oil continue on the slide, and force the “brats” to find a real job, instead of dreaming up ways to screw Americans! But Eric Cantor is pissed and was seen visiting the offices of past acquaintances in Washington, trying to get legislation passed that would again benefit Wall Street, but nobody was home! So the reason that gasoline prices have fallen is based on the fact that “Big Oil” has taken back control, for how long is anyone's guess. At least we have a breather as long as Congress is AWOL, but no guarantee once it finds reason to return. And let's face the facts, returning would not be for interest the America citizens, but interest in those that think they think for all of America – and today that seems to be rested in the 1% faction. In the meantime, enjoy it but watch your back, as the thirst for stealing away your hard earned money never ends! And yes, send Congress a “Thank You” note, for looking upon our best interets and getting back control of once crazed gasoline prices - but mail the note to the CEO of EXXON, to give credit where credit is due!

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