Friday, October 10, 2014

Rove's Ferguson Dream

Karl Rove, should have been incarcerated by now – for trying to destroy “Our” nation, not once but what appears to be a gyrating madness bent on “Destruction” at any cost. Being an opportunist, he is always looking for a ways and means to get even those that may have crossed him – which means many American's are on his hit list. And maybe what is going on in Ferguson has sparked an interest, wherein he may use that as an example to further his eneministic agemda. In my blog, Rove is “Public Enemy Number One”. He will do anything to disrupt the will of the people, by setting the stage to alter the “True American Vote” for his own personal one-man army agenda, by targeting those most vulnerable with voter fraud. Just because we sent his monster away with an exit vote of “Zero” confidence, he seeks revenge as he foolhardily believes his creation - George W. - was a savior for this nation and he cannot relinquish the fact that “W” was a walking living crime spree! So he seeks this revenge, to get back control of the political scene so he can try and change the course of history, and prove that “W” was our salvation man. Maybe if successful under a neo-conservative KKK takeover, burn all the history books and historians – to get rid of the true evidence! What a pathetic journey Karl Rove is on! It must be inhumane to “hate” oneself this bad. But the “fringe” allows it to continue on, favoring this “Destruction” because Obama is showing what success in office is all about. And Rove's most convenient target to further the “Destruction from Sea to Shining Sea” Neo-Natzi agenda, is of course the “Black Man” vote. And since elections today are too close to call even way past the “Happy Hour”, all it takes to hijack the results is a few disenfranchised votes, yes a few percentage not counted or manipulated can take a toll on an outcome. Look at how many suspicious votes are found following an election, bags abandoned by a river bank or stuffed away in a stolen car – never to be counted on! We can no longer trust the system, when there comes interaction by humans bent on unethical behavior. And stolen votes finds a handsome ransom – here in America! It is that close these days, a few votes tricked out, so a little Rove “Voter” fraud goes a long way. See, his college day pranks were based on “political fraud” with scenarios like “Dixon”, wherein he performed his own little “Watergate” by breaking into a campaign office to lift blank letterhead of a democratic candidate then applied frivolous language to scare the homeless away from the voting booths. And it worked! Now since he got away with that back then, the pranks have continued especially in the disenfranchising arena. Yes, he was caught red-handed and some homeless were never seen again, and today he just laughs it off. Look, no crime no time lets play it again Sam! Bottom-line without a missing fleck of guilt, this guy is a racist, he practices such for his own selfish white race only manifestation, so just put him away and we will see like overnight how things change towards the better. For one thing, police brutality based on stereotyping my take a change away from its dreaded cowardly disease, like that targeting of an innocent “Young Black Man” it seems everyday of the week 24/7, when it finds no longer support from the Rove “fringe”. Of course that is what's behind this madness to take down our “Brothers”. But today, since Rove gets away with this treason, the problem today with this continuing madness that should have come under control when he was a little punk is the fact it finds a lot of “loot” supporting the “Watergate” dreams and “No” laws or lawmen arresting such pathetic civil-political assassinations. Yes, Rove has boatloads of money from other “White Supremes” that believe the “Black Man” should still maintain a slave status. It means “Control”, what Rove wants upon the “Black Man” and what the 1% wants upon the rest – yes slavery is coming to our neighborhoods. Look at the destruction today around the globe, can't blame a “Black Man” for that can we – of course they can, as Obama is also a target. Look, when wealth and corruption are used to disenfranchise a “Single” vote, it's like an assassin at work – one bullet at a time targeting one vote at a time. It scares people, it has repercussions beyond our wildest imaginations to what a righteous political climate should allow and cannot allow today due this lawlessness. Why is this nation still today so afraid of the “Black Man” vote? Don't you get it yet, “Nothing to Fear! But the longer we arrest the “Black Man”, the longer it will take to amend past atrocities against a race that is as important if not more in efforts this nation survives. Look we can only survive if we embrace “Brotherly Love”! Without it, we fail and it appears we are once again headed down that apocalyptic dead-end. It gives me a headache when I see Rove still walking and talking the same destructive diarrhea of the mouth and gaining traction that the “Black Man” is ruining his “Dream”! But if we do nothing, if we let the perpetrators continue on their march to nowhere, eventually that “Nowhere” reaches the end and there is no turning back, and the real “Nowhere” man succeeds – just what Rove is after so he can rest assured that he was right. So sad it must be to live a life thinking you are an icon, that of disgrace and “money can't buy me love”. Yes, George W. and Rove were nothing but adolescent “pranksters” and today at least Bush has gone into hiding – good riddance. Yet Rove can't get enough, because he is considered a looser so his get even revenge is bent on “Destruction” - if he cannot enjoy life, liberty and pursuit of happiness why should others? He was the “Brain” behind George W. Bush. His final game plan before leaving the “Oval Office” called for an economic meltdown – Bush's going away present to America, because he was going down as the worse U.S. President of record and ruining the Bush Family's image. Many blamed Rove for this, so he retreated and has been trying to amend the past. That was the reason Rove retired away early from the Bush Dysentery Dynasty, to further along the economic plan of destruction. It required coordination, the heist, which is fueling today Rove's objective – to see that Obama fails. Since day one when Obama had control of the “Oval Office”, Rove has done nothing except incite doom and gloom against Obama. But time is running out for Karl, so he has now instituted a new game plan. It ain't going to happen, not on my watch, not on your watch, unless you are busy watching the FOX. Yet no matter what history will recite, his plan is already doomed to failure, but Rove is bent on pursuing his dream until death looks him in the eye. But he will try his best, the reason he needs to be placed behind bars today, in fact in solitary confinement. Better yet, give him a gun and let him go fight with ISIS. I would bet that if we did wake to sad news that an accomplice of the neo-conservative fringe was successful in taking down a “Great Man”, Rove would not be in shock and may be tearful – but with tears of joy. How pathetic, and if I had one question to ask Rove, it would be exactly that – does he want somebody to take out Obama? It is scary, and today I fear for the safety of this “Great Black Man” Barack Obama. Scary, as I can see it in his voice, see it in his mood, that Obama realizes that there is a fringe out there that recruits the likes of lunatics and out-of-control maniacs, like Palin that has no “clear” voice for America accept that of a serpentine bigot. That instead of this nation embracing Obama for the good, that which has been instrumental in getting our nation back on track, we see more and more of the same ransacking rhetoric. Look, the SS has its work cut out, don't bother them with frivolous attacks upon there dedication to keeping the Commander-in-Chief safe. It must be a very overwhelming job when we have a faction bent on “Destruction” - with the likes of the MissHell Bachmanns, the Sarah Palins, the Ted Cruz metal retardation faction. Why are not these idiots behind bars? And yes, throw away the keys! It is “NOT” freedom of speech, it is a violation of that right as we are accountable for that speech if it incites riots and cowardly acts against America. See, it's easier to regain a footing into the political arena of control based on make believe “doom & gloom”, so the sad-eyed crybaby rhetoric from the “Right” is a smokescreen, a narcissist decoy, to arouse the fringe element to carry out this “Destruction”. Now when Obama showed that the “Black Man” had more staying power then the “White Man”, well Mr. Obama's turning around the economy pissed many off, including Rove. So Rove went on the warpath, preaching like a perverted priest and has been trying his best ever since to unseat the legacy of one of this nation's brightest of Presidential and Constitutional Scholars – what a U.S. President should undertake, instead of engaging in fake WARS. There are not many that can fit the latter definition of the “Statesman Scholar”, Obama is one and I am glad I voted for him and have been enjoying life under his watch – not filthy rich, but maintaining, which is all I can expect when we must share things – except “Hatred”. Yes, the fringe can only share “Hatred” backed by guns! This guy Rove is not even close a consideration a “True American”. He is a coward, a traitor, a terrorist and an ugly bald-headed freak show. But his plans of “Destruction” now calls for a “desperado” like influence, by “Burning Them Out”. Lucky for America, Obama picked Eric Holder who has been busy following Rove, making sure segregation upon voters does not become an infringement by the “fringe”. The only way Rove can successfully take back the government...he can't, but will try so we best be on our guard. Honestly, this guy is the combination of a Hitler and Hussein and if he could would use chemical weapons to keep the “Black Man” away from the voting booths and the gas chambers would be “Open” for business for liberals. Look, this guy “Hates” America, there is no “Sympathy for the Devil”. Yes, he would kill blacks and liberals with gas and chemicals trying to exercise that vote, if that vote was meant for the other side. “Sorry, pest control do not cross yellow Caution tape”...“But Officer Rove, I just want to...bang, bang”! Rove believes that the “Black Man” is merely a slave still and deserves not the right to vote their conscious but should vote their “Master's” desires. Said again, this is one hell of an ugly human, living here in America. So Rove continues to loose ground, as his ways and means are “Destructive” against the framework of this nation, mockery against the Constitution. See, nobody will hire anybody that had anything to do with Bush, as liars are not welcome in most establishments. So if not wealthy, Rove must find gainful employment so has focused on the “fringe” and a PAC man attitude. Maybe he should sign up with ISIS, but they may not want his kind – no trust! But his new plan of attack to disenfranchise voters is a plan to incite riots in “Black Man” communities, cause a curfew to be in effect, thus limiting the times wherein voters would be allowed to “vote”. Like already mentioned above, elections are too close for comfort these dire strait days, so a few here, a few there, it makes “whoopee” cheer, and maybe not according to the “Voice”! This plan of attack was broadcast right on one of those stool stuck fake news channels, the one that employs all the dumb blond bimbos, like Ann Coultergeist! So this is the “ROVE” plan of attack, “RIOTS”. Look, we learned about the effect of burning out villages during the Vietnam War, napalm castration became something we watched on the nightly news as we ate family affair style. It worked, as it destroyed the will, and that is what Karl Rove has planned for the “Black Man” neighborhoods from sea to shining sea. And with a little help from corrupt law enforcement, this could ignite a self-sustaining movement, with curfews all across America, except in the gated communities. So Rove is hoping for “No Indictment” of the police officer shooting in Ferguson, which could be the catalyst for his plan forward. That will cause riots in many places, especially in “Black Man” communities, but perpetrated by the “fringe”, not by the “Black Man”! In fact, during the first shooting of an innocent “Black Man” in Ferguson, outsiders that work for Rove's “Destroy America” campaign were the goons causing all the trouble. Yes, outsiders paid to incite these riots, in peaceful neighborhoods. So riots will be staged with Molotov cocktails used to target were the voters go, and where the voting equipment is stored and with no money available to furnish new equipment come voting night, his disenfranchising plan will work and Rove will then have control of the entire Congress, control of the Supreme Court and Obama will be a “Lonesome Dove” without a whole lot of wiggle room. This is the madman's plan! In fact, huge detention facilities were part of the Bush plan, not for another Katrina hit, but when the “Rove” riots due disenfranchising hits home, it means a ways and means to put people under “House Arrest” - which we are already under when members of the “House” support Rove's “Conservative Victory Project” controlled by Rove's “American Crossroads” dream, to be the “White Man” in control of the “Black Man” destiny. We must stand together, so it is the other way around with a common middle ground. But when we have a law enforcement bending over to Rove's delight of “Destruction”, maybe we are already under Martial Law and Capital Punishment is next. Stay tuned, and if Rove fails, then we have something once and for all to thank that “Black Man”, it's called “Freedom at Last”! And YES, the “Revolution will be Televised”, just turn on and watch what the Fox has to say about Rove! BTW, I am “White” and embrace “Brotherly Love”, and “Hate” the “fringe”!

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