Friday, October 10, 2014

Mustang Lily

So Ted Stevens' daughter has come out of the closet to endorse a Monkey Man – Mr. Dan Sullivan to overthrow Mark Begich. Look Mustang Lily, don't speak for Ted - I don't care what the relationship, just jump in your Bill Allen Mustang gift and get lost. Why? Well over the past year or so, Ted has been thrown under the bus by Don Young – yet no one but this blogger has come to Ted's defense – and I was not a Ted supporter. But I believe in taking a stand when push comes to shove! In fact, after his indictment I ran a petition to change the name of the International to that of “Susan Butcher”, a more deserving Alaskan icon. Wow, the hate mail was overwhelming but the spelling from this unsolicited hate faction fan club of those opposed to a change was atrocious, so I have no idea what they were calling me, but 4-letter words indeed reeked their correspondences. Which was indicative of Ted's followers. Yet no one, not friend and only this foe has come to Ted's defense over this issue. See, Don and MoanaLisa MurCowpie have conveniently placed “ALL” blame on Ted for the “MV Susitna” boondoggle – the ferry nobody wanted, the ferry already built nobody wants and the Federal g-men want to get paid back $65-Million, because this was an abuse of the system wherein U.S. Taxpayers' loot was used in a scam. If today Ted was alive, believe me that ferry would not be turning to rust, as he would have called the responsible parties to the mat and demanded answers not more lame excuses. Yes, called to the mat with the “Hulk” a place you would not want to be even with a referee. So with that said, Don has blamed Ted for wanting this amphibious assault vessel not even the NAVY was interested in procuring. But Don wanted it, so went to Ted for assistance and Ted came through, what he was good at, getting his way in efforts to satisfy Alaska's needs. But he had no interest in the ferry, just using his Senator in “Good Standing” Capital to get Don a new toy. It is sad when a jerk like Don Young would throw a dead guy under the bus and with MoanaLisa remaining silent, she is just as bad – as this “Ferry” is bad karma for anybody seeking a re-election attempt. Look, it was MoanaLisa MurCowpie that christened the beast with a huge bottle of bubbly! So when idiots come out of the woodwork to support an individual far short a “Hulk” mentality, Alaska will get shorted in the end. Look at the record, Mark Begich is following in Ted's footsteps, just because he calls himself a democrat doesn't mean he has it out for Alaska! Your support for Sullivan is scary. I support Dan Sullivan for U.S. Senate because of his compassion, tenacity, integrity and vision. He will defend Alaska’s interests and achieve results. Dan will work to put our country back on track with energy, defense and economic policies that focus on domestic growth. He is concerned about achieving results, not chasing headlines”. When did you pen this? See, Dan has a proven record of “Zero” integrity. And what is with this “put our country back on track”, sounds like another Obama basher. Said again, Ted was good for Alaska as is Begich, they are one in the same when it comes to looking after Alaska's interest – wherein party affiliation is secondary. Ted would go out of his way to get things necessary to keep Alaska moving along the right track - like the time he secured U.S. Taxpayers' loot by request in efforts to measure the penis size of a male Muskoxen? Which he said in an aftermath conversation you would have to be nuts, but if that was needed for some off the wall reasoning, Ted came through. What disturbed Ted the most is when people came to him with a need, which usually meant money was needed for something, if that money ended up outside its untented use. Ted would get angry but would also stand his ground that it was then none of his business once the money was distributed, as he thought individuals could manage their own responsibilities – kind of like believing in the honor system, it can work. That money daddy procured for the “penis”, it never was used for that purpose and instead went towards building a hunting lodge for a tribe with only 2-members, a husband and wife. So you can see why Ted would get mad, as a $65000 gift can build a mansion in the wilderness! So it appears you know nothing about Begich's record – like his tenacity upon the military brass in efforts to keep Eielson AFB open and many other accomplishments. And it appears you know even less with respect to Ted, with respect to his political success - as if you did, you would be giving support to the incumbent, just like daddy found success with that privilege. I am not a Begich fan, I was not a Ted fan, but I pay attention to what is going on, and like already mentioned, Begich is a definite substitute to what Ted Stevens stood for when holding the office of a United States Senator. Go ahead, make a fool of your off the wall considerations to replace Begich, but believe me we already suffered a loss, with Ted. We don't need another loss at this time! And if Ted was still alive, from what Begich has accomplished in comparison to Young and MurCowpie, I would bet Ted would cast a secret vote for Begich. As at least someone has learned well the teachings of the “Hulk”. Something Lily may have missed out on! As far as Dan Sullivan and that endorsement....

Backstage the girls were playing five-card stud by the stairs
Lily had two queens, she was hoping for a third to match her pair
Outside the streets were filling up, the window was open wide
A gentle breeze was blowing, you could feel it from inside
Lily called another bet and drew up the J
oker Man”

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