Friday, October 3, 2014

Dear Mr. Obama

Dear Mr. Obama;

Please make my day, make America's day, by signing an “Executive Order” that renounces the “permanent ineligibility” of Pete Rose from baseball. That “ineligibility” is denying Mr. Rose induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame – something long over due and a position of honor well deserved for this American “ICON” athlete. Since Major League Baseball enjoys a “monopoly” status due involvement by the U.S. Supreme Court in Federal Baseball Club of Baltimore, Inc. v. National Baseball Clubs, an EO could pressure demand this “permanent ineligibility” status to be renounced, or else that “monopoly” status may be threatened to extinction. Since the Major League Baseball Commission is well aware of this preferential status by the high court, I am sure your EO requesting that Pete Rose be now eligible and inducted into the Hall of Fame, I am sure that “commission” will see this EO as justified, so will the courts! And who would argue this order? So please, for America, for Pete Rose, help us out as baseball has never been the same with respect to honoring heroes when Mr. Rose was denied induction eligibility for an honor so deserving. How many records? Thanks, and you are doing ONE HELL of a JOB. We will miss you, as there are few who will be able to fill your shoes! Your accomplishments, well need I say any more, as you have proven to me that miracles are possible and you are also a “Hall of Fame” candidate, unlike your “Hall of Shame” predecessor. So for Pete, for America, for the sport, please....

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