Saturday, October 4, 2014


There must be a cast of “aardvark” lawyers hanging around these days – those that were at one time gainfully employed in the profession but went broke due incompetence thus “Hard-up” for work so went to work for the fringe – like representing Sarah Palin, MissHell Bachmann, John McCain, the list goes on. Aardvark defined: “a mammal with a very long tongue and feeds on termites with no known relatives.” Honestly, lawyers have the highest rate of incompetence then any other profession but charge the same rate as high-class hookers? Look, you get what you pay for. So, I had an aardvark for Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council send me a “Cease & Desist” letter, because I made fun of his “Conservative Values Vomit Conference”, you know, the one wherein Sarah Palin taught the world that the U.S. President lives at 1400 Presbyterian Avenue. Yes, I made a derogatory comment about a speech given at the summit titled “Omnipresent Danger is the Obamapresent Danger”. Anyway, the damage has been done, as it was already posted on this “Blog”, under “Vomit Summit”. Big deal, it received 1x108th hits, as I received that same number in “Hate” mail e-mails, so my fan base is, well “sad”. Anyway, since the damage has already made its place in history and maybe Sarah and MissHell and Ted Cruz are in a panty uproar, I will amend my stance and give credit where credit is due – basically a “good” Samaritan gesture to combat the “negative” publicity. This usually works in a court of law, a proactive stance of taking matters seriously and doing everything possible to minimize the harm already committed. OK, so one man's prank is another man's harm – we learned that from George W., with that yellow cake scam prank, the harm rests with the dead troops in boots who were sent to fight a falsehood war! Anyway, my attack on the lunatic behavoir of the “Vomit Summit” was merely a “Sticks and stones will break my bones but names....” So in efforts to fix things, I have started another web-site, called MSDS.whores. I wanted to use, but that identifier is already reserved for a very important organization. Herein that MSDS means “Material Safety Data Sheets”, found throughout industry and today even at the local grocery store, as the government requires a listing made public of what may be used to clean the fruit and wash the toilet – I hope in that order! And the MSDS site can be very valuable if your cat becomes sick. Say for eating a mouse that had ingested rat poison purposely left out by the neighbor because that freak across the street thinks you are an Obama supporter so wants to eradicate life different – including gays. Anyway, the site can provide a remedy and is basically a chemical 911! Now my site, and I hope it doesn't cause confusion, here the “MSDS” means “My Shit Don't Stink” with the dot-whores qualifier replacing the dot-com linker. So you may go to MSDS.whores to learn about members of the “Vomit Summit”. But if you do have a sick cat, make sure you get it right, with the “com” instead of the “whores” – as to see these disgusting bastards during a time challenged scenario, it could sure bring one to a compromising halt, as horror attacks sometimes trap people in a dazed-are-you predicament, and that cat can only stand so much vomit for so long.... In fact, a real MSDS data sheet offers all kinds of helpful information. Like with that toilet bowl cleaner for instance, the Heath Hazards associated with its use, Waste Disposal concerns, Explosive Data, Reaction Data and Precautionary Data - like how far to stay away or what to do if in contact. Wow, that finds for a fascinating topic. Why not an MSDS – My Shit Don't Stink – for the “Vomit” and every other politician – like a one stop shopping cart to learn about those in or aspirations to join in with the “Vomit” population – political office interests? Yes, a data sheet for them all, with data fields like mentioned above. One for MissHell, Sarah, Cruz all the way down the lane. With the same damn criteria – like what to do if in contact and how far to stay away and that “Reaction” data, that could be way too entertaining. So visit MSDS.whores, and check out the MSDS for your favorite “Vomit” representative! Note: MSDS.whores is still under construction but will be up and running soon.

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