Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020: Looking back, could have the “EBOLA” outbreak death rate which climaxed in the spring of 2015 been avoided here in the United States? The casualty rate reached 6833 before the spread of the disease was arrested, through a strict quarantine those presumed responsible for the outbreak's spreading – restrictions still in force today, some 5-years after. And there was indeed a “lesson learned”, that should demonstrate future security afforded the health of the American people, and never again allow what did occur a future possibility occurrence. According to recent reports made available by the experts conducting legal research for the successor of the now defunct CDC, the answer is yes, the outbreak and subsequent deaths were totally avoidable. So what happened? In a nutshell this report reveals how many of those deaths could have and should have been avoided - had there been stricter control over the “drugs” thought to be beneficial to prevent an outbreak. It appears the culprit may have been “panic” when rumors started flowing about “Ebola”, that “not if” but “when” scenario, as too when this dreaded disease would hit us here on American soil. Up until October of 2014, the government had performed an excellent job at keeping the virus at bay, even while it caused devastation in parts of Africa. But when “panic” hit, some 535 doses of a new “Ebola” drug went “missing”. Actually, that “drug” was distributed to the “Attending Physician of the United States Congress” as part of the government's emergency preparedness criteria. Yes a plan of attack wherein members of Congress started to enjoy preferential treatment to “drugs” designed as a “precautionary cure” when the threats of “biological warfare” started to find its way into the mail system – like with letters tainted with “Anthrax”. So the intent back then was in efforts to provide the “Congress” with enough coverage, just in-case there came an all out uncontrollable attack – as terrorist groups were employing “mad” scientist to find a ways and means to cause harm – on American soil. One consideration by the “Madmen” was to purposely infect those so-willing to die for the “religious” cause. Yes, find a guinea pig, shoot them up with a fabricated disease then buy a one-way ticket to America. But we had the knowhow, and tried to stay abreast of the concerns over “biological” crap hitting the “Homeland” and spent $millions$ devising solutions, but on a limited basis as there was only so much to go around – so “Congress” was considered the guinea pig, as if there came an “outbreak” that went out of control, somebody had to maintain the peace and quiet – maybe through “Martial Law” if so required. So even though some of the “drugs” that the “Attending Physician” maintained control over were never fully tested, some looked promising and the stock-pile so designed as that last clear chance late scenario do or die! But that plan backfired and today we pay the price, as do those 6833 victims, their families and loved ones. Sad, 1214 were newborns! With “Ebola”, the promising “drug” that was handed out to “Congress” was very difficult to manufacture, with a rejection rate in the order of 9 out of 10. And this “drug” that showed promise required laborious efforts by lab workers, not to mention dangerous to handle during the processing phase. And with such a bastardly rejection rate, it was also a very costly “drug” to produce, estimated at a cost of $125k per dose. So when the scare of “Ebola” was no longer a “when”, and the alarming and exponential rate of infections due unforeseen exposure in the final weeks of October started scaring the citizens, it urged members of Congress into the “panic” mode, even though they went on national TV and said not to worry. I was one that didn't worry, as everybody in the know was saying the risk was very minimal – as the only known way the disease could be transmitted was through bodily fluid contact – at least that is what they thought. So I went about my business watching the Giants win the World Series! And according to this “confidential” report by the experts, the experimental “drug” started to disappear, from the “Attending Physician's” office even when “Congress” was on a “sine die adjournment” - basically away from the office. So it is believed that members of “Congress” panicked and a “Congressional aide” was commanded to break into the office, possibly with the help of the Sergeant-At-Arms, and get hold of the drug stash and then send it out to those members that thought it necessary – and in some instances it included dosages for family members also. What the report does tells us, several dozen doses sent to Texas, many to Kentucky – nauseating as the distribution was that to mostly “Red State” political clouters! Maybe just a coincidence, but then again we may never know. So it was indeed a panic situation and what was once under control, was now out-of-control, and not only the threat of “EBOLA”. What was not known at the time was the fact that the “drug” was still in the experimental phase, due the high rejection rate but had shown interesting possibilities but was too be used as a last ditch effort. But when the “Ebola” hit NYC, some members of Congress thought it necessary to protect America, by taking the “drug” in efforts to be prepared – basically a lame excuse. And little known at the time was the fact that the “drug” had a design flaw, as it held a hidden secret, a ways and means to adopt a medicinal cure for the benefactor of the drug, but at the same time learning to reject the “Ebola” virus instead of killing it – and rejection meant ejection through any passage way possible, nose to mouth, ears, eyes and even through skin contact and perspiration was also knwon as a mechanism of “flight”! In the morph, it never actually “killed” the virus, just ejected it as the virus continued to multiply, causing the infected victim to become a massive generator of the virus. See, the “Ebola” virus multiplies at an unbelievable rate, so this new drug was supposed to conquer by dividing, but the only way for it to be successful was to eject it away from the victim. So, yes it worked to some extent, but at the same time millions of spores were allowed to enter the environment and under certain conditions the virus would live on, for days until it attached itself to another living being - basically the “drug” helped the original victim but at the same time put thousands at risk, as the “Ebola” virus was on the loose! No longer was it a disease allowed only through fluid contact, as the rejection & ejection evolution caused the disease to be very efficient, rather then annihilation. So those that were furnished the “drug” were free of the disease, but now also generators of the “Ebola” that in the end would kill many. And once this was recognized by the authorities and “Martial Law” was in effect, those that had taken the “drug” were basically arrested and incarcerated, and those that survived are still in quarantine today, as science has not found out a way to reverse things – so as long as those that are still alive and did take the expirimental drug, they cannot be allowed in public. It is estimated that over 250-members of Congress and close family members decided it was OK, to take the experimental drug without permission of the “Attending Physician”. And those that did, today remain under “House Arrest” in a very secure location and habitat at the NIH – in a high security prison like building that was at one time reserved for “Ebola” patients. Yes, this was a “Lessons Learned” scenario, that had it not been for greed, maybe those innocent 6833 victims would still be alive to tell about it! And some members that were involved in this scandal, when arrested tried to use the “Congressional Immunity”, to get set free and didn't seem to give a rat's ass about the health and welfare of the general public. This is what happens when “We the People” allow a Congress to get completely out-of-control, preferential treatment that takes us all down. The report upon this matter has some very interesting pictures, the “Arrests”!

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