Saturday, October 25, 2014

Manson Debut

Wow, Charles Manson has relocated to the “Edge of Alaska”, over in the McCarthy area - after being paroled from Corcoran Federal Prison for “Good Housekeeping”. According to locals, Charlie has secured a job as the “Gate Keeper” at the “Community Well” and rumor has it that Mr. Helter Skelter has retained a “contract” with a “Tourist Stay-Away Destination” film crew and will be debuted for yet another UN-realistic “Reality” show, this time around with film clips of the insane about to go over the edge! This place seems weird! And a fight is already brewing, as another guy is claiming he pissed on Charlie, thinking Manson was a black bear! Episode premier to be called, “Minus 60 Degrees of Helter Skelter.” Stay tuned.....

Picture of Charles Manson at his McCarthy Homestead

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