Sunday, September 14, 2014

“Shut Up Bitch”

OK, it's a Sunday and schools no longer out for the summer, which means “Big Screen” sports galore from sea to shining $$$ season. With baseball now heading into the confusion of pennant wild-cards, basketball boot-camps, football warm-ups, and on and on. How come there are more Americans that understand the “Wild-card” of sports then that of the role of the U.S. Congress? Anyway, is it only American “Laughed at by the Bloke” Football that finds its players engaged in domestic violence? What about baseball, and hockey and... Look that ordeal in the elevator, it wasn't a case of domestic violence, that was cold blooded sponsorship greed targeting another human of the opposite sex! Anyway again, if football is the only America sport that finds domestic violence as a past-time when the players are off the field and away from the make-over-boob Con-Pom squad, then ban its ass! Look, I have not watched a professional “Football” game ever since Vic went to jail, after killing all those dogs. See, I was looking for an excuse to give it up anyway, as it's not a sport! I learned that from my “Bloke” friends, and I must admit they were right. So I do thank Mr. Vic, for giving me a reason to never again have an interest in watching dog killers assemble together in efforts to try and kill other humans in a fashion that is just a glorified “Pig Pile” match. But now with this domestic crap making grown men cry and others hide or sigh for relief, we no longer have any excuse but to give it up. If not, we feed into that mentality of brutality for a buck – that it's OK to hurt one another for the “Spirit of the SPORT” - which is just a $Billion$ dollar corporate scandal. Look, bleacher  seat hot dogs should not cost that much, to munch down on a beef stick filled with rat crap. Or is it the other way around, a rat crap stick.. So I ask again, is it only “Football”? Look, ever since Mr. Vic was caught, the “Sporsters” have learned a lesson, it's called the Hush Puppy! Or for those not in the know, “Shut up Bitch”, whack! Anyway, getting back to my assessment of role playing, that Americans understand more about the sport then the spat - that which comes from a “Do Nothing Congress”. Maybe we all suffer from a form of domicile violence, called politics! And like is common with domestic violence victims, we keep going back for more abuse, time after time after time. Which makes me wonder, are we starting to see an increase in violence and abuse, because of a “Do Nothing” attitude, from the halls of Congress to hotel elevators – the “Hushing” of the puppy!

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