Sunday, September 14, 2014

Declaration of Insanity

What can I say, but...nothing as I am busy choking myself to no breath left status due the laughter! See, we are just coming to revival over the laughing gas fit when once again entertained by the Palin Family “Hummer Stretch Limo” invading the streets of Anchorage. It's the “limo” that keeps on delivering white trash, like an over-flowing Waste Management garbage truck! Yes, if you follow that Palin monstrosity when it leaves “Felony-Ville” - bed bug community of Wasilla - there is always laughter to follow what the “Grand Wasillabilly Clan” may be up too in a concerted activity to disrupt tranquility – or up against when “Put Up the Dukes” finds reason to show off how stupidity runs in the family. I guess acting stupid these days makes “loot” with all that low-life reality TV crap invading the air waves of “once intelligent” viewers. But just recently when Sarah “Mama-Brawl” showed up to a respectable family neighborhood in the “Big Wild” city to act out her fantasy as Jed Clampett's “Granny” - like in the Beverly Hillbillies - it reminded me of...sorry, I am lost for words of reason. Now, like when Sarah made it in the “Big Time”, well the weirdies continue to seep out of the woodwork and want to follow in her footsteps. What is with the Wasillabilly mentality, like the guy running for mayor and has gone on record that he wants to kill cops? Yes, the guy running for mayor of Wasilla - wherein Sarah found her beginning in the political climate of John “I'm a Black Prisoner” McCain - well this guy wants too be just like Sarah – you know what I am talking about – find credibility as a “Left” out stool-pigeon wing-nut then target innocent victims, like Gabrille Gifford found out with the pain and suffering from being listed on Sarah's “Things I Want To Hunt Down” roster and once in the “crosshairs”, boom, boom, another trophy. Yes, we have before us today another genuine Sarah Palin wannabe, a guy named Loren Means that has gone on record that he wants to “KILL COPS” and that he once planned such an attack down in Lost Wages? And he is running for mayor of Sarah's home town! I have one Simple Simon question, why is not this guy locked up? Are the prisons that crowded, maybe we can find another nation that wants to make money by incarcerating “our” white trash, as the further away this guy is from anything “American” the safer we are. Look, these are the terrorists we need to be afraid of! Not Bin Lard Ass, but the Loren Means! Look, if a cop or trooper stops this asshole today, shoot the bastard in the groin to do away with his manhood, as you have already been warned he is out to get your ass! This is wherein “Stand Your Groin” finds merit, as what this asshole Means means, it is premeditated murder! And if by this time today this early morning the troopers have not yet surrounded his compound and made an arrest in efforts to perform a castration so he can no longer breed, what has happened to law and order? I think Means must have roots from Felony-Ville, just up the road a bit from Wasilla. Honestly, when we have individuals not afraid to speak their mind about killing cops as a political advertisement when running for office, is this not a “QUILITY” verdict without a jury? No need for a trial, just ban the bum – throw away the keys! But we must look back in history, to see why this kind of rhetoric finds condonances, something we need to get a hold on before it means offering condolences to the spouses of dead “Law Abiding Men & Women” in the line of duty. No wonder cops fear for their lives and have become trigger happy. But anyway, many Alaskans and prominent political leaders, like U.S. Congressmen Don “Don't You Argue With Me” Young, they signed a PAC, called the Schaeffer Cox “Letter of Declaration” that may find fundamental reason as to what is causing today this “Kill a Cop” craze:

Letter of Declaration – April 2009
Let it be known that we, the ignorant idiots of Alaska, stand in recognition of the true principle that whenever an officer of the law abandons the purpose for which he or she has a sworn duty and becomes hostile towards that which it was once a defender of, he or she is no longer a fit steward of the police power that is inherent in the officers' duty to protect and lent to this government with strict conditions. These conditions are clearly defined in the United States Constitution and understood by the common man.
Furthermore, to the extent that our police officers violate these conditions, they nullify their own authority, at which point it is our right and duty, not as victims but as sovereign Americans, to entrust this power to new stewards who will not depart from the instructions we have given them and take matters unto our own hands.
This being the case, let it be known that should our police force seek to further seek to otherwise impose on the right that shall not be infringed, thus impairing our ability to exercise the God-given right to jerk-off in public, which precedes all human legislation and is superior to it, that the duty of us evil and fearful people will be to NOT obey the police authority but to alter or ambush that force and institute new forces laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to us shall seem most likely to effect our thirst for masturbation.
News' Bulletin, March 2011: Don Young's pen-pal associate in Alaska, Schaeffer Cox, was arrested along with four other idiots for plotting to kidnap and murder Alaska State Troopers and a Fairbanks judge, he is now incarcerated until 2033. Don Young is still on the loose – do not try to apprehend, in fact do not even try to engage in a conversation that involves any intelligence above a lead bullet!
"Sarah Mama-Brawl with Daughters"

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