Monday, September 22, 2014

Reset Windup

In process control theory, there is a phenomenon called “Reset Windup”. Basically, in a process like making apple sauce should something go haywire, it can get out of control with “sauce” blowing everywhere. Most “processed foods” - anything that is found at the grocery store in a box or bag – today are made by hi-technology robotic production lines, so fall under the auspices of “process control theory”. Basically, under “Geek Control”! It is a sophisticated science of sensors and gadgets all designed to work in unison in efforts to speed up the process for maximum yield. And even if a modern day production line is equipped with a sophisticated computer trying to control things and outwit humans that used to perform the same tasks at minimum wage, there comes a point in time of diminishing returns wherein even the best logic faults and can never regain stability – throw it all away and start over – after “Humans” clean up the mess! Remember, computers are programmed by humans, so have the same limitations, except a computer makes mistakes faster. See, humans could “strike” for unfairness when asked to work faster, nowadays.....And when this out-of-control phenomenon that is governed by high-level mathematical algorithms begins to show signs of mischief, when this happens the uProcessor based devices – like apple smashing gadgets and conveyor belts – it just doesn't stop things in its tracks, but tries towards “infinity” to regain consciousness and correct things. So it's a crap shoot, sometimes it works, sometimes it is nothing short and exercise in futility and a worthless attempt to try and save the quota for the day. If it fails, the brain of the beast ends up tightened up forever like a spring of a clock, and can never again unwind. Remember the old wind-up wrist watches? Wind a little too much and, yes “Reset Wind-up” takes over and the ticking goes silent. What was once a fine and precise metalist's work of art, well it then looks like a junkyard! With this “Reset Wind-up”, it's a mathematical phenomenon that remains today a mystery, so has not been resolved. Sounds just like the U.S. Congress, like being constipated. That's wherein the term “Reset Wind-up” originates, as time was not on the beast's side with an attempt to reach “infinity”, or was it? Question. Why in hell are there Viagra commercials broadcast with the cast of the International Space Station way out in space or for that matter the smiling crew of some commercial fishing boat way out in the middle of nowhere? Anyway, Bernie Sanders has called for a “Political Revolution” and is now testing and teasing the waters for a possible run at the White House in 2016. Just recently at the Iowa political pow-wow, Bernie was the talk of the town – way ahead of Hillary and Hey Joe! In fact, I heard Bill was run out of town as in Iowa there is the 3-second rule – if an adult male eye-gropes an underage girl for more, “You're Out”! Anyhow, if I could vote today, I would cast that vote upon this “Political Revolution”, as we need something to get this out-of-control ship back on the right course. As like mentioned above, this nation is on a high alert of “REST WIND-UP”, yes constipation on “Overload”. Now we often times equate a “Revolution” to turmoil, unrest and other things nasty a coup d'etat, but we must resign that notion to a more friendly version of what would be behind a Bernie “Political Revolution”. First and foremost, Bernie does not really represent the majority of the “People”, nor does his political ideals represent that even of the “Minority”, as being a Democratic Socialist - the Independent label he is so proud of - that in itself finds total disrespect here in the Homeland. Anything affiliated with “Socialism” is a no-no. But look at what this single individual has done single handily for this nation, as he is about the only U.S. Senator that has not taken the bait and dismissed responsibilities as a member of the 113th Congress, like upholding the U.S. Constitution for what it's worth – still something I suppose? He has not a political interest in himself, or entertaining re-election out of selfishness, because his only mandate is that of “Nation First”! He's a “Peace-nik”, and Casey Jones of the “Peace Train”. Look, we just need a time-out away from WAR and hate, get us back on track to reassess what we are all about, as this “AMERICA”! We must give this “Peace” a chance. And look, Bernie has no intention of bringing “Socialism” to a voting booth near your disenfranchised precinct. So I am all for giving “Bernie against the Beast” an opportunity to unwind the wound-up spring of constipation we live with today through the “Do Nothing Congress” as we are going nowhere with this “Do Nothing” attitude! Today, our representative body is wound up tight, by the “Lobby” and like an out-of-control process, the point of diminishing return promotes a valid reason as to why we must all put aside our indifferences in government accountability and vote for Bernie's Revolution, as it is “Our Revolution”. We just need a leader that is not afraid to initiate a change and is not interested in an “ego boy satisfaction”. It can either backfire, or get this nation back on track – we have nothing to loose giving it a GO! One thing for sure, if Bernie does get to take over the “Oval Office”, rest assured the “Lobby” will be forever banned from the “beltway” and “K” Street will become a “Green Belt” and if for this single reason only, we must break tradition and vote for Bernie, no matter what his party represents! Democratic Socialist: “extending principles of democracy in the economy.” What in hell is wrong with that from an American worker's standpoint? In ending, the “Only thing we have to fear is the wealth funded fear of the 1% Beast”! Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, Bernie against the Beast, Beast! As with Bernie's dream of a “Political Revolution” becoming a realty as it should, we will once again prevail against that "Beast of Burden”!

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