Monday, September 22, 2014

Divide by “ZORRO”

Wow, I just received a medical bill and for the time being, dizzy with disdain and completely disillusioned as to my future health, I mean leftover future wealth after the payoff! OK, so one too many beers, I'm in heat! Now I am not in the ObamaCare bracket racket, way too old. But not yet of legal age to rip-off Uncle Sam with “Medicaca”. “Ca” meaning “Care and Caid”, the modern day “Can and Able” to assist you in loosing your estate! OK, so I meant “Cain and Abel”, no different as one is trying to destroy the other, only thing different today is the fact an infant sister has entered the scene, with ObamaCare – still a virgin Mary! And I am healthy so may never get the chance to take more than my fair share, as that seems to be the American way today, the hell with just one's share of things - best take it all before someone else pilferages the “Homeland's” hen-house. Hold on, the phones ringing. “Dear patient, you don't need a fake knee but you deserve a fake knee, and it's almost free – but wait there's more. Act today and receive two fake knees for the price of one, just pay....”! Actually, I would consider some botox treatments for my groin as “frumunda” is taking over, but that started when I visited Don Young in D.C. His office was a mildew mess cluttered with big game hunt relics, each dangling a “game” tag that thanked the “Lobby” that paid for the trip! Yes, he has a wall mount of Nancy Pelosi called the “Rabid Skunk” and it does smell of urine, his office – like a homeless shelter. And after leaving his office, when the TSA did the “swab” for powder, I was arrested! When interrogated, as soon as the police realized I was visiting from Alaska and was in Don's office, they let me go. Supposedly Don spends time reloading for Schaeffer Cox instead of representing, so his office is a powder keg. But low and behold, someone else is taking advantage of my fair share of medical bill fraud! Have you received your “IOU” statement from Uncle Sam, on how much you owe? Hurry up, change your mail box delivery address! But yes, the medical insurance industry is taking advantage of good intent – by taking advantage of ObamaCare. And the trickle down theory never fails, as increases in medical costs so everyone can have affordable lobotomies, it is now costing me twice as much as before – so I didn't gain a damn thing. I wasn't supposed to gain anything from Obama's plan of attack against the 1% faction, as with 35-years as a working class hero for a company that did supply family medical benefits, it is estimated that benefit alone sucked away over $200k in what could have been part of my wage, had there been a government “We Care ObamaCare” sponsorship. I only used a fraction of that coverage, and somebody gained from my wage garnishment. Boy, did we get screwed! Think if that “lost loot” was actually part of a wage and spent on the economy instead of going to some wealthy “Bitch” with an offshore account. Did you hear the latest, that many American Investors have invested in ISIS – that is why that insurgency is believed to have in excess of $2-billion in asset wealth. So “We the Taxpayers” must foot the bill to fight the investors' investment – screwed again is getting old! But somehow with the medical “deductible” crap donut hole not yet in effect, I am out money that could have been used to buy “beer”! This pisses me off. How in hell can costs for the same damn procedure increase by a factor of 2x in just under a year? And even though Mr. MD Botox can charge more, the deductible remains the same – who votes on this crap? Is this Wall Streets biggest “Investor Gain” accomplishment upon an opportunity, again? And this medical procedure, I didn't even get to talk to a real MD, just a guy with a broom who was answering questions for everyone, as we were tricked into thinking this place employs a real live MD! Just a figment of the imagination, just like in thinking we have representation. Honestly, the guy at the “House” with the broom works for a living, unlike those he picks up for. So why is it that we have a mentality today that over-shadows righteousness beyond decency – stealing I am talking about. How much money does a doctor's wife need, for showing off? Look, the money is going somewhere, and not in “My Wallet” and with increased costs and a stagnant deductible, I was screwed again! Sometimes I just don't get it. Actually, getting it is no longer the problem as we all get it, as we are in the bent over position from birth! Blame all of this county's wows on a “Do Nothing Congress” that should have already found the medical insurance executives in Congressional Court, and already placed a bounty based on “Contempt”. But when our representative body gets away with “Nothing”, do we really stand a chance? Mark Twain was so right on, something about when a “Senator is not serving time should be doing time”, damn why have we not learned from our mistakes? OK, here it is. I really hate Saran wrap, as it looks so neat and tidy when still on the roller. But as soon as you start to take it out of its cage, it misbehaves, just like Congress. Yes, sticking to things foreign, just like “Congress” sticking to the “Lobby” instead of the intended subject. Yes again, so neat - yet so unorganized once it is called to action and in the end we get “No Action” as it becomes a massive confused assembly, and as time goes on less and less affiliation with “coverage” and in this case “Medical” coverage. Now, isn't there an old “common law” that says, “No Taxation without Representation”? It may be time to exercise that option, as their must be a judge out there waiting and willing to become famous, by telling “Congress” to shut up. Anyway, I try to track my medical stuff coverage and when I tried to use an on-line “Benefits” calculator from the insurance outfit hired by my carrier, I get that “Divide by Zorro” error, and what the hell does that mean? ZORRO: Masked outlaw who defends the people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains. Wow, maybe it is trying to tell us something, about “Congress” and about the “Lobby”! Just in, “Chuck Norris: Top 10 reasons why you should pick your nose”.

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