Friday, July 25, 2014


Who would you trust? I would place my faith and trust on Fozzie Bear over Tinkerbell Kerry at brokering a peace deal between Israel and Palestine Hamas. John Kerry, just another reason wealth in government finds more hatred around the world – and allows for the killing of innocent kids just trying to enjoy a beach outing, and John says its OK – as according to Mr. Secretary it was Israel's right to seek such revenge! Anybody have an extra bottle of Ketchup, as I believe John is having withwhorel problems. See right after Kerry told the world that Israel had the right to protect itself, that was the “Green Light” and away went the bombs, killing 4 little kids playing beach soccer. And did we ever hear an apology, hell NO as this man has no remorse and is a member of the Skull & Bones, the secret fantasy fraternity that was started by the Bush dysentery dynasty, the fraternity that stole Geronimo's “skull” away from the Native Americans and those that are members of this controversial “rich” kids club, as an initiation into the “club” they must kiss this skull and make some kind of secret penance that they will protect death over life? Imagine, today we still find that the “Club” holds out on returning Geronimo's skull, to its rightful owners - which means a total disrespect for a culture that, well believed in “PEACE”! And if John had what it takes to be a true statesman, especially in his present position, he would make sure that “skull” is finally taken away from the BUSH family and then maybe the Native Americans can rest in “PEACE”. But remember, “PEACE” is only a suggestion to some. When will the Kerrys, the Clintons, the Bushs and all the others that have made miserable this nation's standing on “PEACE”, just take all your riches and go away, just leave us all alone! One day we will take back “OUR” government, when we have succeeded in fulfilling the Coolidge Dream, that of the ultimate extinction of a preferential class society.

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