Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ted Stevens

Was former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens assassinated? Information that has been slowly bleeding to freedom through the Sherlock Holmes Intelligence Tributary(SHIT) seems to paint an ugly picture with indications that Ted's death was not an accident – but premeditated to protect the interests of “power”. On August 9th, 2010, Ted was killed while a passenger aboard a plane owned by GCI $millionaire$ Ron Duncan, when it mysteriously augered into the tundra - with reasons behind the crash still “inconclusive” by the NTSB investigators. So, if not a mechanical malfunction nor pilot error, what else comes to mind? Don't blame the weather on this crash, it's Alaska! Ted had friends amassed over 40-powerful years on the political scene, and Ted's friends became the “Enemy of the Senator” in the end! It all started back home, wherein his so-called friendships - through the auspices and affiliation of the cigar smoking pornacopia Corrupt Bastard'sClub - these so-called friends took advantage of Ted's “love of country”. Look, I was never a Ted fan, held conversations with him on how “pork” appropriations went out-of-control once he earmarked the theft and the loot arrived in Alaska - to which he didn't argue and was in full agreement my frustrations! See, he trusted people to make conscious and righteous decisions – that was being American! But what went on here was enough of enough and I plan to get the truth front and center – to prove to the crazed world of the Sarah Palinites that Alaska politics is still corrupt and will always be corrupt, as long as nitwits have a following. So yes, information into Ted's death points to a cover-up - an assassination - by his political camaraderie here in Alaska, the wealthy made so through his generosity. Look, Bill Allen was a two-bit welder before he befriended Ted! Get the point? Yes Texas had the Hammer – Tom Delay the plumber. We had Ted – the HULK. Ted was good for the “People” of Alaska, bringing home the bacon with fat year after year after year. And he always covered the back of Alaska's illegitimate political tinkerer, Don Young. Look, pinch yourself, as Don was no match for what Ted did to conceive the U.S. Treasury – hey that's what the game is all about! It is sad today to see that Don Young has no qualms throwing Ted under the bus – since Ted is not here to defend himself. If you don't understand what I am talking about herein, then go about your fairy ways and cast another vote for Don! But the information that seems to make sense of a cover-up conspiracy, well Ted had information that if disseminated, it could have blown-the-whistle on many of his close political friends here in Alaska and possibly across the nation. In fact, the G-man was onto something and had to crash the justice system to detour justice in its favor. What may be good for America may not be good for a sitting U.S. senator – as the government must weigh the consequences to the benefit of the citizens. See, Ted was loosing it both from a standpoint of respect and clout, a day by day whittling away of what he had spent a lifetime building, as his entire following and long time colleagues had turned-coat when Ted was in trouble. His best friends in DC were suddenly against him, for minuscule crimes – it wasn't even close to a crime spree and a simple dereliction of duty! Remember when that raid occurred down in Girdwood? Why in hell were there so many IRS agents? But the IRS interest upon Ted is beginning to show – its ugly face. Ted was out-to-pasture, had been basically indicted for life, and with politics his life long career and love, talk about a “man without a country” it was. So low and behold, just how long could he hold out, before enough was enough and he came front and center with details of a massive “Tax” cover-up, benefiting his friends. And with confusion upon his indictment and miss-treatment by the G-men in charge a factor now on the table of justice, Ted had the ultimate ticket to freedom, should his convictions stay - he held the goods to bargain for a deal. Not what Uncle Sam was about to entertain as Ted was ruthless when it came to somebody messing with him. Why? Because it rested in a massive tax fraud cover-up that would be felt from Alaska to the Oval Office. Yes, when you have a crook like Bill Allen with keys to the back door of the IRS headquaters in Alaska – what security? In an upcoming documentary due out in 2014, called the “Enemy of the Senator”, the story behind this “Tax” cover-up will be revealed and when one sees how it was tied to Ted – a plea bargain was not an option! In the end, there came but a single action, a single option at any expense to silence the scam!

 The "Booking"

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