Friday, January 3, 2014


STOOL Defined - a piece of excrement;

STOOL PIGEONS Defined - those that flock to excrement;


What the Sarah Palin - do real Americans waste time watching this Dysentery Duck Dynasty? Talk about a boring lifestyle, boring clothes, boring wives, togetherness like inbreeding lobotomy rules the day. Duck calling is like Hitleristic yodeling, call in the victims then blast them out of the water – not a fair play chase. Did you ever taste a good duck soup? But maybe it is the Tea-Toilet Pansy Party that finds this family as entertainment, which goes to show an empty IQ doesn't mean “brain-dead” but very close to it! NO you must be kidding, does Sarah Palin really direct this show.....At least Alaska is not wasting “Tax Film” credits on this waste of celluloid, at least not yet.

This response is published under the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution and allowed to be broadcast without recourse to litigation when our American sons & daugters have come under attack by those that have violated their birth sworn duty to secure our individual right to liberty and pursuit of happiness. If any content herein is in error or cause for concern, please acknowledge such and all attempts to correct the record will be considered. This shall be before any litigation attempts, basically, if you don't tell us your disagreements upon this content, then you accept it wherein time is of the essence.

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