Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sir Issac Newton

Newton's Principia ~ Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ~ is a “Bible” of sorts that has been sadly shelved. Humans would be better off today shelving the fundamentalists' religious crap in print and taking hold the “Principles” of Nature. Jah LOVE, LOVE Jah, protect Us! It is the preacher like snake oil that is ruining this nation and other nations. WAR today is premeditated through – religion! Look, my fellow countrymen & women, Newton gave us the zero-root equation, which is a mathematical formula that can solve any puzzle. It works with engineering, it works with economics, it works for medicine and it works with politics. In the latter, the result begs for further analysis, as it always finds a converging answer pointing to “corruption” - or a “Divide By Zero” error. And the formula is adamant that “Over the Hillary” Clinton will never be seriously considered as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency. And Sarah Failin? And what it concludes about “WAR”, sad. Honestly, try it out as you'll be amazed at the results the “ZR” provides. See, many mathematicians are afraid of the “ZR”, as it makes their discipline less desirable. Taking ownership of the “ZR”, it means only a single math class would be required, from kindergarten up! A one shoe fits all, all the time! Now another notable scholar that seems to be missing todays limelight & glee is Sir Francis Beaufort, of the U.K. Royal Navy. This great sailor gave us the Beaufort Scale, which is a very good indication defining clearly what the prevailing winds are up to, as the scale speaks for itself with respect to understanding the force behind nature's blow. And since winds have been more pronounced lately due effects from “Global Warming”, using the “scale” as an everyday tool makes sense. Which brings me to the conclusion that another scale is needed, something simple like the Beaufort that gets all of us on the same page in trying to understand something with noticeable consequences. We became focused once-upon-a-time with the “Nuclear Clock”, but that scary thing went away with the “Cold War” . In fact, does it still exist today? Remember when it was 11-minutes until doomsday? I wonder who the time-keeper was? Now Newton, besides many great things, he invented or discovered the “Color Wheel”. It is a wheel of fortune for the color spectrum, making it easy to understand the significance of “color” in tune to musical notes, another possibility made allowable through nature's gift giving. Imagine a world without color or music! Now the “Color Wheel”, it is a pretty unique invention, so has significance today mother. As I drove across the west coast and inland desert scenes this past summer on through the fall, I noticed something of peculiar interest. See, roadways become heated, because of thousands of cars and trucks running on a 24-hour binge cycle to get nowheres fast. In fact, cars and trucks are the number one cause and effect participating and promoting this “Global Warming” phenomenon that doesn't really exist. As we drive to nowhere, the heat from the exhaust acts as a communicating continuum that romances with the “blacktop”, a phenomenon that orchestrates the creation of new Beaufort wind patterns which in turn creates new weather patterns. So the primal side-effects of Mother Nature taking action our inaction to stem our appetite to heat things up from crazed driving habits, it would commence along the source - the roadways. And that is where we can start to identify what is really happening with nature to combat the effects of too much heat, from fossil fueled engineomics. Using the Newton Color Circle, it can be observed that the earth is starting to revoke in efforts to reverse the heat, we see it in the color of the flowers that are prolifically growing along the highways and byways from sea to shinning sea. This falls into play with Dr. James Lovelock's “Daisy Land” theory, part of the Gaia Hypothesis, wherein flowers are the tell-tail sign of how upset nature has become - the health of this earth advertized by flowers. So we see that “Yellow” flowers are this years “Global Warning”, which means the earth has started to combat the effects of “Global Warming” by using that part of the spectrum, in efforts to cool things off. As foliage grows, it allows the earth to cool, through low elevation wind currents that sink the heat away. The color of the flowers benefits the required course change. As far as the scale goes, as a tool to alarm or warn those with interest this “Global Warming” is indeed something to contend with, we are not yet at the stage to be alarmed with a doomsday calling card. So maybe it is safe too say the earth is on the road to recovery. But we do not know the intimacy of the control loop algorithm, the time constants that nature abides by. Even Newton's “ZR” would have a tough time figuring that out – but it would be close. So if we see the flowers tending towards the next color wheel, say orange, we may be headed over the hill. If the wheel ever gets to the “D” note, between red and violet, that means it is over with, just like the “Nuke Clock” hitting high-noon. What you mean it was only a test? So if this new scale is divided into degrees of freedom, today the “Global Warming Warning Scale” indicates a -1.5, defined as emergency to moderate cooling by nature, through changes in growth patterns. Yes, this can affect farming, which is how we survive. We must begin to see a trend back towards the “Green”. Be it said with comfort and also with concern, nature can combat anything humans do to attack its livelihood. At the same time, nature cares not a rat's ass about our welfare, so it will perform whatever Armageddon maneuver it has too in efforts to remedy the situation. But for today, the Newton Color Wheel is indicating a severity of concern, because the action has begun. The “GWW” scale is formulated as follows:

Red(-3) = extreme cooling by nature
Orange(-2) = moderate cooling by nature
Yellow(-1) = emergency cooling by nature
Green(0) = the zero root(Neutrality), nature is happy.
Blue(+1) = emergency heating by nature
Indigo(+2) = moderate heating by nature
Violet(+3) = extreme heating by nature

Less then a -3 or greater then a +3, nature gives up and the lights go out, all growth stops and mankind starves to death.

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