Thursday, September 26, 2013

Alaska Fish Guides

So I am getting hate mail on this blog's e-mail return, from irate Alaskan fishing guides. See, if a wannabe fisherman wants to learn about Alaska Chinook - a.k.a the King Salmon - just type it into the “Search” bar and let “Bing” do the research. And since my site goes by the title of “Alaska Chinook”, guess what, its up-front and a side trip to my site allows outsiders to learn all about Alaskan style corruption – including rip-off scams from fishing guides! Look the Corrupt Bastard Club is alive and well, just look what is happening between Doyon Utilities and the U.S. ARMY – it is WAR and the ARMY is trying to protect the U.S. Taxpayers. GO ARMY! And some of my photos that accompany the blog's articles, well they end up in “Images of Alaska Chinook”. In fact, my site is broadcast even before the Alaska department of Fish & Game. Ha, ha. Get over it. My site is designed to let people know how corrupt the 49er has become, no matter where it is found on the Internet. What are you afraid of? “You Can't Stand the TRUTH”

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