Friday, October 11, 2013


OK, it’s official, as Obama has just signed the RIP(Reduction In Pay) Act into effect. When the government shut-down due to a dysfunctional Congress, a law put in place by our Founding Fathers to boycott a “dysfunctional” Congress allows the sitting President to take action. Now this has been part of the Constitution for well over 200-years – added as a proclamation amendment to award or penalize Congress. If the representative body performs its duties, as acknowledged by the “People” through polling, then they would receive the agreed upon stipend, which today amounts to a salary with benefits and a retirement after only 8-years of play. So perform and enjoy! On the opposite side of the coin, with an approval rating less than 25%, in kicks the RIP. And here is how it works. The Congress will forfeit its pay, except for benefits, until such time the approval rating is greater than 50%. So they have a long way to go! Said again, it has always been a tool - or weapon - that could be invoked by the President when he or she realized that the American citizens were pissed off – which is the case today. Now you may ask as to why it has never been utilized, well that is due the fact that it is not a discriminatory penalty, as it affects all members of Congress - House and Senate. It was designed that way, as Congress is serious business with immunity for almost anything and everything, except this RIP and when dereliction due partisan corruption gets in the way of decency, we must have a ways and means to break the gridlock. So past Presidents were afraid, to use this weapon that protects the American interest. The RIP Act also allows the President to have total control over matters that would be before the Congress, like opening up “government”. Basically, it places Congress in detention until such time they learn to behave. Wow, it is about time we had a President that wasn’t afraid to use this secret weapon. I guess it means impeachment for all past Presidents starting with Reagan, wherein Congressional Dysfunction found a following! And once the proclamation is read by the President and becomes binding, the Congress is required to perform “Community Service” as they are banned from entering the House or Senate Chambers. If caught on “K” Street, they are escorted to a Soviet Gulag. As is the case today, they will be responsible for picking up the litter and emptying the trash cans at our National Parks that have exceeded “Full” ever since the government shutdown and workers were furloughed. And they cannot pass this task onto their office help, they must have proof that they emptied the trash cans at the parks in the states they represent which means Don Young has a job for life, so does MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Mark “I Have A Crazy Brother” Begich. Now I was wondering about that trash detail, as it is on overflow in our parks. And even though the signs at the park entrances today from sea to shinning sea advertize “Closed for Congressional Disrepair”, many true blood Americans boycotted such closures and violated the “Do Not Enter” signs posted by park rangers on their way home to enjoy that furlough. So here I am, saluting Congress with a sign they seem to understand as that is what their dysfunctional idiocy signals to America!

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