Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Alaskan Horror Show

Wow, the opinionated results of my posting, “What Big Wildlife” are starting to overload my GCI memory reserve bank.

Claude and Wrigley from Roughneck, LA: “That $15.00 dollar burger must have been U.S.D.A certified “maggot” meat. It stunk like it was way too old. And this was at the Anchorage joint recommended by that Guy! But if you ever spent money at one of his fast food joints, you know that Johnny Hairlicks place, hey crap in equals crap out.”

Anonymous couple from Freeport, Maine: “We started itching all over after a ride on that train, it was like being in an old mattress dump, that musty smell. When we got home, still itching, we went to the ER. They said we had something that the medical society was starting to frequently notice from travelers on their return trip from Alaska. It's called the CBC crotch bug and is listed on the CDC website. If only we had known.”

Dave and Kitty of San Diego, Ca.: “When we arrived at our hotel room in downtown Anchorage, there was a horrible smell in the room. And the bottom floor windows didn't open, as that was unsafe according to the hotel's Rent-a-Cop who was still eating donuts at 10 o'clock at night, unless we had a gun with us. Low and behold, we found a dead guy under the bed. But being the height of the tourist season, there were no other rooms available and they couldn't move the corpse until the next of kin was notified, so we became roommates, with a dead guy – and the staff refused to deduct anything from the room bill and actually tried to charge us for a 3rd person occupancy, in the end a $250-dollar night of nightmares!”

Gene from Wisconsin: I saw more animals at the zoo in New York City. But the crazed on 5th act like animals, so I guess it wasn't a total loss in the zoo category. What you mean that was the legislatures on a lunch break from their downtown office? I thought they were dressed pretty well, not your typical down and out street person. And they were all over-weight! But that plane ride, with all those crying babies, talk about a zoo.”

From Barbara Bush: “Is that what is wrong with those friendly squirrels in Denial National Park, “Glitter Gulch” Leprosy? Is it contagious? And is that the real name for the park, Denial because there ain't no wild animals? My suggestion, leave your camera at home!”

Sal and Wendy Ambushwiser of Great Falls, Montana: “We were disappointed when we arrived, as we had been told that there was a real live jail at the Anchorage airport, called the “Bill Sheffield Depot of Incarcerated Alaskan Politicians”. And being history buffs, we had read all about the Corrupt Bastard Club and wanted to see these crooks behind bars. We didn't come to Alaska for the fishing or to see the wildlife, just the criminals, it was for the history aspect, especially the corruption aspect. And we were told that one could buy peanuts and the crooks would perform tricks for treats. What a let down, as the “depot” was empty.”

From Ivan of Brokeback, Texas: “I saw a dog get hit by a guy in a city car, from road rage over a guy riding a bike, locals said it was the Anchorage mayor, a guy named Sullivan. But he didn't hang around. The dog was still alive, but pretty banged up, so some Good Samaritan stopped and shot the dog out of his misery. Aren't there any laws here in Alaska?”

Anonymous Max & Molly: We stopped for gas in Felonyville and some guy asked if he could rape my wife. He said he was the mayor. And another guy with no teeth said we had to have a loaded gun to drive through this part of Alaska. He was the sheriff. And when we tried to flag down an Alaska State Trooper, that didn't work as the trooper was late for a date with some film crew. So we had to buy our way out of this hold-up. No, the mayor didn't rape my wife but I had to purchase a shotgun and ammo, then we were let go. What a freaky state.”

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