Tuesday, October 22, 2013

RE: Good Guy Award

Wow, are readers of my blog pissed - especially Ben & Curtis & Dan, Enstar shareholders - just because I decided to defend EXXON! The “Tiger” deserves credit, for instigating a “secretive” lock-up lock-down on ANWR, for at least the last 50-years. Now though, through a court order, the state has the keys so watch out - as the “Independents” are flocking “North to Alaska” to invade tranquility. In fact, a new city east of Deadhorse called “Podunk” has incorporated, flying a flag with a Rick Perry imprint! But back to EXXON. See, I had to come to the defense of the “Tiger”, not only for what appears to be a plan that was to keep ANWR locked away from oil development, but after having the opportunity to review the script and testimony of an upcoming documentary, with convincing evidence never revealed from workers in the know as to what went on in March of 89, the EXXON Valdez wreck was indeed and now without doubt a sabotage! Instigated by some idiot that came across as the “Pipeline Workers” whistle-blower environmental “gadfly” and his cohort in slime, a state worker that was supposed to be an environmental scientist, but was also known to spend his weekends wrecking the coastline outside of Valdez with a massive Cat bulldozer. See, these misfits wanted the wreck to happen, so bad to get their point across, that they befriended disgruntled individuals that had the capability and knowhow to send that tanker on a crash course with Bligh Reef. Yes, there were some locals that had the tools to disable and misalign the radar systems, not only on the tanker, but were successful in corrupting the Coast Guard “watch” that could have and should have prevented this wreck – wherein another set of eyes does wonders. Yes, chameleons these misfits were, disguised as the “Good Guy” and today they can say “We told you so”! I wonder if they can sleep at night? It is no different then when Sarah Palin was affiliated with that web-site that published a hit-list targeting “liberal” democrats with gun sights of a hunting rifle aimed upon the victims, wherein Gabrielle Giffords was one of those targeted. See, let somebody else do “My” dirty-work. This is how the EXXON Valdez ran “hard aground”. Not by some supposedly “drunk” captain, but a planned attempt to satisfy a “Broke” oil brokers ego, a planned attempt to satisfy the ego of an inept and derelict environmental engineer.... Wow, another “Bad Guy Award” recipient!

PS: The documentary by Eat Pie Productions, “The Sabotage of the EXXON Valdez” is due out next year, to commemorate the 25th-anniversary of the wreck, and the time has come to understand the truth as to what really came down to bring down the "Tiger"!

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